
Feedback :)

Hey Cat Very Happy

I think the idea of a community forum is a great way for Weebly users to communicate, share ideas and improve the Weebly experience.

My first thought was that signing up to 'another thing' was a bit annoying, it would have been great if I could use my Weebly account (the same way we comment on the Weebly blog). I assume that's just too difficult to set up with Lithium. 

In Safari, the cropping box for my avatar didn't respond, luckily the picture I chose was pre-cropped Man Very Happy

Also I wanted to reply to Erin's feedback post but couldn't work out how to. Maybe replies were turned off?

It might be worth making a video that shows the way around the forum and the basics of using it.

I'll be happy to see the Weebly Community build.

Message 1 of 8

Great ideas! Smiley Happy Linking to your current Weebly account is definitely something that we're planning for the full release, fingers crossed! 

Will definitely take a look at the Safari issues and see what I can find, and I'll let the correct people know, that's for specifying which browser it was, that helps a ton. Cat Embarassed

Message 2 of 8

Some more feedback:

I think that maybe adding some of the blue Weebly color to parts/sections of this community would make is less sterile looking. Personally, this is a little bit too much white for my taste, which makes it a little bit harder to navigate when no areas "pop". 

I'd love it if my name on the top right shows a little red alert icon or something when I have new notifications, etc. Right now I just found out that I had a notification because I clicked on my name. 

In general I think this community is a great idea and it looks great already. Smiley Happy 

Message 3 of 8

Hey Tinwelende!

This is amazing feedback - thank you!

We are working to add some images and spruce things up a bit before our public launch. I'm hoping this will speak to your comment about having a lot of white!

About the notifications, this is also something we are working on, but are facing a few limitations with the tool we are using. We hope to have a notification system implemented soon. Otherwise, you should be receiving emails when you receive a notification. Let me know if you aren't.

Thanks again!


Message 4 of 8

Hey, there!

We will have single sign-on at the public launch, but folks will still need to register for the community the first time they visit in order to choose a username. This is great feedback though. Thank you!

Thanks for letting us know about the image issue. I'll look into that!

Yes, I did close the reply and included a link to the post. I wanted people to have enough room to make their own topics instead of just replying to mine.

I do like your idea of a video-tour of the community. Let me see what I can do about that.

Thank you so much for being a part of our beta! If you have any additional feedback, feel free to share! Smiley Happy


Message 5 of 8

I had a buggy experience filling in the 'Personal Information' section of the settings.

I had to type and 'save' my Signature, Location, Webpage and Bio about 4 times before it actually saved. 

After clicking save the first few times, it acted as if it had saved - but if I refreshed the page the text boxes were all blank again and if I went to my profile that info wasn't there.

I found that filling in one box at a time worked. 

(Safari V9.0.3 / Mac OS X 10.11.3)

Message 6 of 8

also thanks for your super fast replies Smiley Wink
Message 7 of 8

That's very strange, but since we just opened thing up today, there are bound to be a few things to work out. 

Let me see what I can reproduce/find out! Please don't hesistate to report other issues.

Thanks, Benk!

Message 8 of 8