
Inventory Count recurring and allowing certain items on certain days of the week

We are a bakery and offer a certain number of fresh baked good each morning.  Its a lot of work to go in and re-enter the quantities for curbside pick up each day when its a set amount we bake each day of the week. 

For example Every Monday we bake 24 fresh cinnamon rolls offered for sale for the day.  Instead of us having to go in at the end of the day to reset the quanity, it would be nice to have a reacurring button for specific days of the week.  Every Tuesday we bake 24 cinammon roll offered for sale for the day. etc.   Resetting the invenotry for sale online for curbside service is clumsy and takes more time that it should.  It would be nice to intergrate the items available for each day of the week and have it automatically update the quanities each morning, reacurring for that set day of the week. 


Cinnamon Rolls - Fresh Pick up on Mondays - quanity for inventory set to 24 every Monday automaically based on the number we enter and have the option for it to be reacurring each Monday. 

Cinnamon Rolls - Fresh Pick up on Tuesdays - quanity for inventory set to 24 every Tuesday, reacurring each Tuesday to 24

We also offer certain items on certian days of the week.  

Example: Mulitigrain inventory reacurring 24 every Thursday

Sourdough inventory reacurring 24 every Friday


Message 1 of 2

That's a great suggestion, @jpatrello! I see that there's a post to our Vote on Features board for this that you commented on as well. If anyone else would like us to add this as an option, I recommend they add kudos to that!

Message 3 of 2