
Logo size on Haberdasher theme is ridiculously small!

Hi All, I'm rebuilding a site using the Haberdasher theme and really like the theme but the logo on the header is TOO SMALL. I can't imagine anyone thinking this is OK. Please can someone help me increase the size of it and not have it look silly on mobile. Please!!

Message 1 of 8

I just tried something that I found in the Community but sadly, it changed nothing. My site is technicraft.ca and i'm still working in the Editor (not published yet) 

"Go to "Design Tab" >> Click Edit HTML/CSS >> Open Main Style CSS >> Search these code using the search box

.header-wrap #logo img 
Message 9 of 8

Is it only the mobile site where you want to make it bigger, @TracyMac1? What is the address of your site?

Message 9 of 8

Hi Adam,

Thanks so much for helping out. I'd like it bigger on desktop version especially. But being larger on mobile as well is fine. Site is technicraft.ca. As said, still working on it (not published yet). Thanks again.

Message 9 of 8

Hi Adam, do you have any information for me? I'm trying to get my site published and this is the last thing that needs to be fixed. Thank you.

Message 9 of 8

Hmm... You can get the logo a little larger through theme customizations, although I don't know if it will be big enough for you. I sometimes find with some themes it's actually easier to turn off the logo and use a regular image at the top of your header section instead (you can copy this section to other pages of your site to save time, or just the image as well).

I think something like this in Settings > SEO > Header Code would make it larger on the live site, although I can't test to confirm:

	.header-wrap #logo img
		max-height:100px !important;
		width:auto !important;
		height:auto !important;
Message 9 of 8

Hi Adam,

I put the code into the SEO/Settings/Header Code (btw, I have the webmaster code there - is this going to be a problem?). Now are you saying that I won't see if it works until I publish the site?

Also, your suggestion "use a regular image at the top of your header section instead. I turned off the logo and attempted to put my logo as a  'regular image' but you can't put an image above your main navigation. The closet to the top it can go is IN the header area image OR just below it. Not the place your logo should be. Maybe you can show me an example of where this has been done and is working well.

Do you have any other suggestions?  I appreciate it.

Message 9 of 8


The logo size has been a point of contention with Weebly user for years, *YEARS* and they have done nothing to fix it. I finally did a workaround to get my logo larger by using a header and putting my logo inside the header and turning the logo function off. The logo isn't clickable this way, which is annoying and it isn't perfect, but it was the only thing I could come up with since Weebly's code for every theme is not user-friendly when it comes to customization of any kind. If you want more info, direct msg me and I can show you what I did. It's a bit of a pain in the *** to do, but it is really the only way I have found to make the look you are going for (which is available through every other ecommerce builder except weebly). 

Also, something Adam is failing to tell you about editing CSS as a Weebly customer that you should know about on Weebly. If you ever edit CSS at all, it is considered a "customization made to the CSS" and if your website ever has an issue and things stop working, it will most likely be because they push an update and their updates do not account for alterations made in CSS. I have had it happen 3 times that my website has stopped functioning as expected and each time it was because I had altered something trivial in CSS and then weeks/months later Weebly made an update and pushed to all, and it messed with the code I used and rendered a non functioning line of code. 

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