
New Weebly Site Shipping Features Much LESS Robust than Old Square Site

When Square said my old sales site was going to flip over to the new Weebly format on February 27, 2020, I didn't think much about it.

Turns out I should have. 

I sell only one item: a comic book. In the old Square site, I set a base shipping fee of $3.00, then added $0.07 per item beyond the first one. Easy peasy.

I discovered that all of my shipping and sales tax settings had failed to transfer to my Weebly site only when I received an order that didn't include shipping or sales tax.

And trying to set up shipping in Weebly is insanely difficult. I have to manually enter the total shipping cost for every range of units beling sold. I cannot just say "add so much to shipping per item."

Apparently, there's a feature to calculate actual post-office shipping costs, but that's only for preminum accounts who pay $300.00 a year. 

My dudes at Square, I don't even sell $300.00 a year, and neither do most people with Square accounts.

The move to Weebly has been a severe downgrade of services and options, and I'm still not finished manually inputting all the possible shipping permutations. I can't image how tedious and frustrating this must be for people who sell multiple items or things that have different weights.

Any chance to restore the basic shipping functionality that we all used to have in the Square-store interface? Weeby is crap in this regard.



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Hi Tom. Thanks for the feedback. I'm not super familiar with the old Square setup, but your shipping situation does seem a bit complex for our current setup. Do you have a wide variety of orders that you receive? 

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