
Print button for shipping labels is gone

The shipping label just allowed me to pay for a shipping lable but then provided no actual way to "print the label". Where has the button gone.  The "print label" button is supposed to be between the "print packing slip" and "done" button and as you can see by my screenshot it is nowhere to be found.  And no, hitting "done" does not render a way to print a label anyway.  Wtf is going on with this. I am so tired of running into bugs pretty much everyday on weebly. 


Message 1 of 3

Also, here is what this particular order looks like down at the bottom where it says I purchased the label. 

Notice how it says "shipping labels created" and then does not show a tracking number at all for proving that any label was even purchased. All of my other orders when I purchase a shipping label have a tracking number listed on the date of purchase above the area where it says "shipping labels created."  

While I am on the topic, where can I see a comprehensive queue of everything I am being charged by shippo. I do not trust this company and I hate that it takes out chunks of money here and there over a month without any direct correspondence with actual labels that were purchase fees. Where can I see the history of lables purchased and proof positive that I am not being overcharged by shippo and to make sure I get a refund for this non label experience that it says I was charged for and yet could print nothing.image

Message 4 of 3

Hi @Creature That definitely doesn't look right. We're looking into it further for you and will update you shortly. Would it be okay if we test out a zero dollar order in your account? 

For Shippo billing you will need to log into your Shippo account to see the information. Login HERE, click Settings>Account>Billing then scroll down to the bottom of screen. You will see Past Invoices available for download. Each invoice will itemize the date/shipping cost. Regarding billing date, Shippo automatically bills you after a period of time, or after you’ve exceeded their purchase thresholds:

For your first invoice, we will bill you after $25 in purchase or after 7 days - whichever comes first.

After your first invoice, we will bill you after $100 in purchase or after 7 days - whichever comes first.

If you create a label through Weebly or Shippo and the shipping carrier does not physically scan the label after 14-30 days (depending on carrier) a refund will automatically process. Shippo does not return the charge to your card, but will add the credit to your Shippo account which will apply to future purchases. 

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