
Product listing page view mode before for sale

My artwork is on high demand and typically sells out within the first few seconds. The easiest method I've found for selling my products is to release everything at a scheduled time. A very helpful feature for Weebly to add would be to officially publish the product page, yet have it unavailable for sale, sort of in a preview mode, before the item(s) can be added to checkout. I currently have to make each listing as 'Out of Stock' with zero quantities (I just add a note to not mind the 'Out of Stock' signage and list when the item will officially be for sale). It'll just be for viewing purposes so the images and descriptions can be seen by the prospective customers to have an idea of what the product actually is before it's for sale.

I'm not sure how many people on Weebly have this same sort of method of selling, but nonetheless, it should be an easy feature to add and have optional for sellers. 

Thanks for reading!

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1 Best Answer

Best Answer

I could see that being useful, @asavopoulos. Some people like to do timed sales events tied to online promotions, and that would be helpful for them, too. Feel free to post this to our Vote on Features board if you'd like us to add that as a feature.

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Best Answer

I could see that being useful, @asavopoulos. Some people like to do timed sales events tied to online promotions, and that would be helpful for them, too. Feel free to post this to our Vote on Features board if you'd like us to add that as a feature.

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