
Sharing the reasons why I am leaving Weebly.

Hi everyone.

As a Weebly user since forever, (when it was still cheap and small) it is now time for me to say goodbye. I have a few websites running on Weebly (businessplan) so this is not an easy decision.

I need features which do not seem to get any attention from the Weebly team. All I get are emails saying YOU NEED TO UPGRADE TO OUR NEW PLAN (and pay double the amount I already do!!) When looking around on the forum I learnt that many of you share my concerns/requests. Maybe it is helpful for my fellow Weebly users & maybe, the Weebly team to let you know why I am leaving Weebly on short term.

Main reason:

* Additional payment options. For instance, "Ideal" payment is absolutely needed in Holland. No response from Weebly at all on this subject. Even the most simple ecommerce providers offer this, including many other payment methods.

And more:

* Repeating customer login for easy ordering - safe their data so ordering is click & go

* The "neglected feeling" - The only info I receive nowadays, is about Weeblys fantastic new program, which, in my opinion is very costly, while it still does not cover my current issues.

* Apps not working in EU.

* Options to add a forum, guestbook etc.

Please do share your thoughts. If there are hopeful alterations / upgrades / workarounds possible for my issues of which I am not aware, I'd love to know. Maybe then I can stay with Weebly and save hours & hours of computerwork..

Have a nice day Smiley Wink

- Annemieke


Message 1 of 7

Sorry to hear that, Annamieke. We have more things in store for the future with our platform, although I can't give specifics on that right now.

Regarding these two points:

* Apps not working in EU.
* Options to add a forum, guestbook etc.

I'm not sure what you mean about apps not working - as long as you're using a standard Weebly account (not a Designer site and not an Education account), apps in our App Center should work everywhere.

There is a third party forum solution called "Muut" in our App Center which could work. We also have a few different commenting solutions that can be added to a standard page for guestbook purposes.



Message 6 of 7

Hi Adam, thank you for quick response.

I see I can indeed add some apps. When your apps were first launched I tried a messaging app and a shipping app which both did not work outside US.

The main reason for leaving Weebly still remains - the Payment options. I miss out on many orders becasue of this. In case you are implementing this - I will stay, it is that simple.

- Annemieke

Message 6 of 7

I also have concerns on pricing... I went for the 'Pro' plan as I was told by another Artist on that same plan that Paypal payment options comes with it. It was only after weeks of building and perfecting my site that I found that actually that's not included at all! When I asked Weebly about it I was told that this had been a special 'one off' offer, which I has missed out on... Since then I have also found another artist who has the exact same plan and yet they also have Paypal on theirs! Honestly I feel upset that I am paying the exact same price for the exact same plan as two other Artists I know and yet I do not share the same functionality as they do. I feel a little cheated actually because I encouraged three other businesses to host their sites on the Weebly platform and yet I feel like I haven't been looked after very well. Mainly because when I questioned Weebly about it, they said it was simply bad timing and they wouldn't budge. To have Paypal as a payment option in my store would double the price, which I simply don't understand. More recently, very shortly after paying for two years upfront, I learned that Weebly were promoting a 25% off all plans offer! I couldn't believe it. I had missed out yet again! I feel as though they look after 'potential' customers and yet neglect the existing ones that show loyalty... It's a shame because aside from this it is a great platform, but I'm not sure I will renew when my time is up.

Message 6 of 7

"I feel as though they look after 'potential' customers and yet neglect the existing ones that show loyalty..."

I couldn't have said it better myself. 

Message 6 of 7

Ok Weebly, why are you not repsonding. I am wondering what is happening behind the scenes. I do see some updates but it is just nothing I am looking for - to expand and excel my online business.  After 1.5 years of writing my original post about leaving, you did some nice things for me, like posting about me & my brand on Facebook and Inpiration stories and even, visiting me here in The Netherlands, which I appreciate, but the kind of attention does't really match with your overall attitude. What I (we, all Dutch users!) really need is iDeal and some other specific ecommerce options.

I  have now started migrating to Shopify, as I need a specific ecommerce platform with Ideal and several other options which are only in your uberpremium plan, all for the same amount as your Business plan. 

- Annemieke

p.s. -- For now you can still have a look at my beautiful Weebly website at www.westermanbags.com Smiley Wink

Message 8 of 7

Thank you for the feedback! Incorporating iDeal is still in the works, and I'm really sorry that you have been waiting for so long and we still don't have a definite time frame for you. Thank you for staying with us for as long as you did and we wish you the best with your new store! I love your bags, by the way!! Heart

Message 8 of 7