
Thread Organization, General Feedback

Now that I have had a chance to use the community for a few weeks, I do have some feedback.  Keep in mind, the opinions that follow are just that - opinions.

  1. Threads disappear, getting buried under a plethora of other (many times repeat) topics.  Even if someone responds to a thread or gives it kudos, it doesn't come back into view.  The only way you know it exists is if you are getting notifications for it.
  2.  It seems that more effort was put into the 'customization' of the platform as opposed to the ease of using it.  For instance, If I want to see responses to a particular thread, I can mark it so that I am notified.  I don't feel, however, that this should be the default setting.  (Could be wrong, but think it is.)

It's gotten to a point that I don't check in nearly as often. I think there is great potential, but just isn't there yet.  I have also noticed many earlier users are not nearly as active anymore and I have to wonder if this isn't part of the reason.  Again...these are just my opinions.

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This is amazing feedback, and I agree with your points. We still have work to do, but it's thanks to suggestions and comments like this that keep us pushing forward. If you have any other ideas to improve the ease of using the community, please let me know. I'm all ears!

Thank you so much!


Weebly Community Manager

Message 2 of 6

@Erin - It also seems that the Community has been turned into a support forum.  (Yes, I've been guilty of this in the past myself.)  I see post after post in the community regarding topics that are already covered in the Support Center.  Speaking only for myself, I find this frustrating.  Having a section in the Community for 'Bugs' is one thing; turning it into a second Support Center is just plain counterproductive.  Smiley Frustrated

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I definitely recognize that, and I see how it can be frustrating. Thankfully, things are still new and flexible, giving us plenty of opportunity to grow. I already have a few ideas on how we can shift the focus without losing the helpfulness that we want to convey. If you have anything specific you'd like to see - like the tips/tricks suggestion I saw you comment on early - just let me know.

Thanks again!

Message 4 of 6

God, Our Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Please, love me and Everyone more as We love and thank, You the most.

Amen. - Jesus Christ, please love me and all Creatures more and You the same, yea! Copyright 2001 Henry Lumen These

need crosses and copyrighted under my Ministry, thanks.

Message 5 of 6

Hello lyf! I'm afraid I'm not too clear on what you're asking to be done there. Could you tell us a bit more?

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