
donation options for non-profit sites

Hi Weebly friends --

I was speaking to Brodie H., a weebly customer support staff member, and he suggested I post about this idea on the community site.

Right now, the way the sales portion of weebly is set up, it seems to be designed to primarily serve companies that sell goods.  For your next upgrade to the weebly sales platform, I would really like it if some changes could be made to the site that could make the functionality more flexible for non-profit organizations too.

I run a non-profit theatre that sells subscription packages to shows and takes online donations through our weebly website. In my dream world, I would be able to have my customers pick their subscription package, go to their cart, and while they are checking out they have the option to "add a donation" to their order. Donations are tax exempt so I can't include it as a part of the drop down options in their subscription package. Instead, I have set it up as a separate item that they have to add to their cart after they have picked their subscription package. This works okay but it requires that person to come to the site really wanting to donate. They aren't prompted to add it at any point during their purchase, which is a shame and can prevent non-profits from maximizing their income collection online. In the restaurant business this is called "up selling" and I think you are missing a great opportunity by not including this nuance as a part of your sales options. In terms of non-profits, donations are incredibly crucial to our business model and typically accounts for 40% of our income. Making a sales site that helps us "up sell" donations would be a huge benefit and improvement to what you offer on your platform for non-profits; I have witnessed this often being the main sticking point between picking your company over a custom designed site. Also, in my dream world, rather than have the donation option be set up as a drop down menu, it would be great if we could simply enable the customer to "write in" their donation amount. 

So, ideally, when I am picking my weebly template, I would be able to check a box that allows me to set up a non-profit version of the site, and that site would automatically set up the "check out" page to instead have the following categories as follows:

Shipping Information

Shipping Method

Add a Donation

Payment Information

Billing Address

Review & Submit Order

Anyway, that is my big idea that I have been sitting on for a few years now wishing and waiting for an upgrade. I hope you will consider doing this. It could potentially open up a world of new customers for you and vastly improve my website in the process.

If you would like to talk further about it please feel free to reach out.

Cristina Alicea

Artistic Director

Vermont Stage


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Thanks for the suggestions, Cristina. I can definitely see how they would help your non-profit.  

Can you post them to our Vote on Features board? That's the best way to let our team know what you'd like to see added, and it also gives our other Community members a chance to show support of it by giving the posts kudos.


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