
"share" button

Will Weebly be adding "share" buttons to blogs any time soon? I think a Facebook share option is essential for blogs.

Message 1 of 9

Hello sameulschey! That sounds like something you may want to bring up in the Feature Vote section.

Just to clarify, you're referring to Facebook Share buttons on the post itself?

Message 6 of 9

Yes, on individual blog posts-right next to the "like" and twitter buttons. I think having share options would really be helpful and be a pretty simple update for Weebly to implement. 

Message 6 of 9

Totally agree, and I would add that I'm considering changing my hosting if this does not become available.  It is a basic feature for site traffic.

Message 6 of 9

sameulschey has a point. Share buttons are essential in bringing in traffic.
Message 6 of 9

You CAN add a share button to anythng you'd like. I have been adding share buttons to all my blog posts, etc.

If you were to go to the Help section and type in "Share button", you will eventually work your way to a page that gives you instructions for a Facebbok "Like" button. However, on the side, you can also select the "Share Button" instructions. Mind you, this ends up being a Facebook instruction page, and not a Weebly page, but it works the same way.

However.... for your viewing pleasure... here is the link...


My way of making it work....

Open a Weebly edit page, and also your website that a consumer would see.

On the consumer version, copy the URL you want to post a share button on.

Go to the instruction page for the share button and paste that URL right where they tell you to paste the URL. Select a small of large share button and whatever else they ask.

Pres the button to get the code.

TWO codes will appear. 

Copy the top one and go to your Edit page. Drag the Embed code thing somewhere on your page. Paste that code in it. Click "Publish". You won't see anything happen. You're not supposed to. It's some code I think is necessary for your other code to work.

Go back to the Share Button instruction page. Copy the second, lower code.

Go to your edit page, and drag the Embed Code thing to where you want your share button. Paste the code in that Embed Code area, click publish.

You've got your share button.


It works. If it doesn't work for you, you either didn't do it correctly, or I screwed up my instructions Smiley Happy

Message 8 of 9

That's awesome of you to post @davidchorney. Thanks for the detailed instructions as well! Smiley Happy

Message 8 of 9


I tried al this HTML and other hard things and I think i figured a way out the Easy way.

When you publish your post, you have a option to share your own post. Hover your mouse over the share buton and press second mouse button and click copy link adres.

Than you downaload a picture of a share button and put it in a picture under your post and past the link.

Now anyone who clicks on the link, can share your post! I would never thought that I would find a solution. I will post my link so you can see its no lie! Please let me know if it worked for you! please dont take this method away from us Weebly!


Message 9 of 9

Hi all, very late to this party, but I figured out what I think is the best way to do this and wanted to share. In weebly, go to settings, then the Blog tab.


  1. Turn OFF the Post share buttons switch.
  2. Copy and past this code into the Post footer code:
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="" data-layout="button_count" data-size="large"></div>
<a href="https://twitter.com/share?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-share-button" data-show-count="false" data-size="large">Tweet</a><script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">

     3. Save and publish your site.

This will create your own facebook and twitter buttons that share out the current page. Note that this method will only effect blog posts. If you want to see it in action, check out jbtvmusic.com/jbtvblog

There are a few ways to customize how the buttons appear, which can be found on their respective developer sites. Linked here: Twitter & Facebook

Hope this helps!

Message 10 of 9