
Looking to Make Your Site Look More Modern?

It’s always a good idea to keep the look of your site fresh.  When someone visits your site for the first time, you want them to see a site that looks modern and engaging.  A really great way to do that is to incorporate some of the most popular current design that are trending now.

In our blog post “Top 5 Web Design Trends for 2016, we look at the top 5 trends for this year and provide some real world examples of them in use.

My personal favorite is the split screen Oasis theme, although I’ve love to hear about what your favorites are and how you used them.  Feel free to share!

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@Adam that is very nice and useful.  I will add few more things.  Clutterless design - Less is more.  Use 12 second rule - if people are not interested in your site in first 12 seconds they are not going to click other pages. Images, Images, Images.....images make or break a website.  Buy some high quality images or hire a photographer.  Cell phone images are good to send to aunt Mille, but are useless.

I had posted a link that talked about 17 things people hate about your website.

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