
Free Mobile Lead Generation and\or SMS Group TXTing :)

So mobile SMS has been the hot new trend for the past couple years. If done right it can bring your business $$$ or at the very least engage your audiences. Many of the SMS services like https://www.twilio.com/ are very cheap to start but the fees can quickly add over time. 

Well my peeps check out my page! https://www.rainedout.net/team_page.php?a=7833053e9ba7c1aff3d4

Yes I have tested and yes it works very well. I use Hubspot LeadIn to capture mobile numbers on my website and then send them an invite to my SMS Signup page. Smiley Happy

Cost is completely free with ads or very reasonable without ads on SMS messages. They also have an ad revenue share program as well. Think about all the uses non-profits keeping in touch with their best donors, sports teams, clubs, associations, anyone that needs to reach out and touch someone. 

Enjoy, have fun, but don't misuse the privilege of someone's trust! Unlike E-Mail, people hold the privacy of their phones near and dear. Abuse the privilege and it can harm your business or organization. Think before you send. Smiley Happy

Message 1 of 8

Honestly, your last post looked a bit like spammy click-bait. If you have some tips or advice to help people generate mobile leads, that's great - you're more than welcome to share that. I would recommend actually sharing the information, though, rather than asking people to post if they are interested.

Message 9 of 8

People who run a business and make over 6 figures usually don't need\want to waste their time writing 2-3 paragraphs for nothing. We have been down this road before? Generating interest is good copywriting\marketing skills. Trust me if I wanted to make money I sure as hell would not be fishing in a shared hosting forum, lol! Just Saying 🙂

@NJRFTF I'll send you a PM and I'll work on something I'll edit my original post once I have the content all done some in the next day or two. Getting my new https://amplifi.com/ tomorrow so priorities dictate I have to play. Smiley Wink

Message 9 of 8


OK - I'll bite - I'm interested?

Message 9 of 8



If I understand you correctly you are "capturing" a mobile # and then sending an SMS to that mobile inviting that person to then go to your sign-up page?   If so I don't believe that conforms with the law simply because you must have prior permission to send them a text message in the first place...and that permission must be obtained in writing.   

"Opt in SMS marketing is a “permission-based” activity. This means that potential customers have to give their permission for you to send them marketing text messages. There are several ways in which you can attract potential customers and invite them to opt into your text message marketing. This guide to opt-in text message services demonstrates some that have worked well for our clients in the past.

How to Build Opt-In Lists

There are two ways to build opt-in lists. “Click-to-Join” widgets can be placed on your website or advertised on social media. Alternatively you can encourage potential contacts to text a keyword to a short code number - for example “text ‘opt-in’ to 313131”. When a person clicks on a widget or sends a text, they receive a text opt-in invitation to join your database of contacts.

Both tools for building opt in text messaging lists are available from bulk texting service providers. “Click-to-join” widgets are usually free of charge, while keywords are often included in a subscription package or can be rented by the month. A short code number (such as “313131”) is typically free to use if it is a shared short code, or you can request a paid-for dedicated short code number that is unique to your business."

Suggest you read https://www.eztexting.com/mobile-marketing-center/guides/build-your-opt-in-list

Message 9 of 8

I am happy that there are laws for sending un-invited texts.  I am sick of getting junk phone calls (10/day).  Junkers don;t care.  Apparently, the laws don't apply to junkers from foreign countries.  I have stopped writing my 'own' number.  I either misspell it or give google voice number (I do get 2-3 junk calls on that number too).  Samething with e-mails.  I will never sign up for your crappy websites either that asks for e-mail just becasue I landed on that stupid page.  Even if I do, I have a hotmail account.  The best feature of hotmail?  You can set filter so high that everything can be sent to junk folder automatically.  And I have clean in box!!

Message 9 of 8

I usually get at least a couple junk calls a day. I generally don't answer my phone unless I recognize the number.

Message 9 of 8

I do have permission did you even look at my website. I'm not hiding my intentions and people know what they are signing up for. They get one confirmation txt and if they want to confirm they can, if not they ignore it. You are taking what I'm doing way out of context. I'm running a small list for my regulars, it is not like I'm sending out 1ks of texts a day! 


They just have to be consenting to receive marketing messages which they are doing by signing up on my site plus there it is a double opt-in.

FYI your belief is wrong, check with a lawyer first, I did! " you must have prior permission to send them a text message in the first place...and that permission must be obtained in writing."

A double opt-in and IP logging is all you need to CYA. Think of how stupid it would be if companies\induviuals had to have permission in writing to send emails\txts to their member bases. Yes, I need to get your signature before I can eamil\txt someone. We would be breaking the law every day not that it matters because everyone does it some way shape or form whether they own up to it or not. Smiley Wink

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