
Ideas for keeping user info up to date?

I'm on the free plan for a public service education project, so don't have access to Promote. I'm looking for an easy, no-cost way to send a request to "users" on my site, asking them to review their public information and make sure it's current, then confirm that (or submit changes) in some way to me. That's the gist of it, but it's more nuanced than that.

I run a free practice site for students learning animal communication (http://talktoanimals.weebly.com). No registration is necessary. Pet owners can also submit their animals to the site to help others practice (again, no registering). They submit a form with basic info, I set up a page for their animal, and students communicating with their animal can use a form on that page to submit conversations and to get feedback from the owners.

I need to come up with a system to prompt these pet owners (probably once or twice a year) to visit their page(s), check to make sure the info is still accurate, note what isn't or what needs to be added or deleted, and let me know they have done this.

I can compile a master list of pet owners, their pets' names, and links to their pages, but manually emailing people all this info a couple of times a year, then trying to track who has responded and who hasn't sounds like a nightmare.

Anyone know of any tools or processes that would make this easy? These pet owners don't have "memberships" or accounts with me, so they can't just log in and update things. I don't mind the updating part, but I'd like to make the sending and confirming parts easier.

Because this is a volunteer education project, I'm sticking to any no-cost options, inside or outside the Weebly system.

Thanks for any ideas!

Message 1 of 4

Have you checked out MailChimp? They might have a free option.  I prefer Promote myself because of its full-on Weebly integration, but MailChimp might cover your needs since you're on a limited budget:


Message 2 of 4

Hey BJ, I have used MailChimp for other projects and my main concern is the poor receive/open rates. Even on verified lists, a big percentage of the list just doesn't get or open the mail. 

But the other thing is that I'm looking for a way to customize each email with the person's name, animal's name, and link to their page. I wonder if MailChimp can do that? I'll have to look into what's possible with them a bit more. Thanks for the idea and taking your time to suggest it!

Message 3 of 4

I even have remoted the widget within the code....But the hassle is I can not locate this code everywhere motel the web page editor onnn weebly to take away it from my bulldog blog. I appreciate your input and assist!

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