
Making money

How do I make it that I can set up advertisng and make money from it by getting others to advertise on my webpage

Message 1 of 12

Hello @HiCaliber!

Advertisers seek out websites that are receiving a lot of traffic. They want to get their product in front of as many people as possible and for the least amount of money. If you plan on getting the advertisers to contact you directly, to purchase advertising space. That can take time, but the more popular and higher ranked your site becomes the more traffic it will receive. Then the chances of getting those contacts are more likely.

You can help boost traffic by using an app like Bootsuite in our app center here: https://www.weebly.com/app-center/boostsuite

You can also advertise on Google or Bing to bring in, even more, traffic. If you're not sure how to advertise on search engines, then apps like Traffic Booster and Search Boost can take over the management of your ads using seasoned Bing and Google certified managers.

During that time, you can join affiliate marketing companies, such as Commission Junction, Pepperjam.com, Linkshare.com, Shareasale.com, ebaycommercenetwork.com, among others.

These sites manage campaigns for both large corporations and small businesses. You choose the advertiser you want to display on your site, then once the advertiser approves your site. You will have access to their banners, text ads, popovers, etc. That can be easily placed on your Weebly site using the embed code element.
While each advertiser is different, some pay you based on leads you send their way, and others will pay you a commission if someone clicks a link on your site and makes a purchase. If you send a lot of business to a single advertiser, they may pay you higher commissions or bonuses for each level reached during a specified period.

You can even become a Weebly advertiser and earn 30% commissions via Shareasale here: http://www.shareasale.com/shareasale.cfm?merchantID=37723

Using an affiliate marketing company is by far the best way to get big companies, that are related to your content, to advertise on your Weebly site.

You can also sign up for Google Adsense, which is Google's affiliate marketing division. Advertisers that place ads on Google can opt-in to have their ads displayed on the Google Adsense network. A network of millions of websites, just like yours that display ads for other companies. You are paid depending on the campaign the advertiser has chosen. I could be by the number of clicks, by page impressions, etc. Page impressions are the number of times an ad appears on a single page. If an ad is on your homepage and you get 100 visitors, then that is 100-page impressions. If those same 100 people, reload the web page or revisit the page, in a specific period, it will count as 200-page impressions. It all depends on the advertiser.

Start learning how to use Adsense here: https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/204198323-Add-Google-AdSense-to-a-Site

NOTE: Adsense must approve all websites. They look for high quality and unique content. The following link is a Beginner's Guide to Adsense. It provides you with their guidelines and things not to do. Like clicking ads you've placed on your site to increase revenue. Which will get your account banned on the Adsense network.

Hope this helps!

Message 2 of 12

is there an alternative to adsense

Message 3 of 12

Hello! You can embed other ads, if you prefer, so long as they remain within Weebly's rules. However, you'd need to arrange the payment details with the other provider, and there wouldn't be a pre-made Element for them.

Message 4 of 12

Is there a way to embed an ad in the blog body that points to an uploaded html file? Id like to be able to change the html file containing the ad without having to go back and have to manually change them in all previous blog posts.
Message 7 of 12

It isn't possible to upload an HTML to Weebly, but if you hosted the HTML file somewhere else then something like that would work with an iframe in the embed code element. 

Message 7 of 12

Dear Mr. Robin,

I am a young Vietnamese freelancer who are learning digital marketing and very interested in Weebly foundation for web creation. It is wonderful and I love Weebly so much. 

Recently, I have learned that I can apply affiliate for website, but I failed in signing up ShareAsale due to my Vietnamese language site. I did not know that Vietnamese Weebly site is not accepted. In fact, I have may own English Weebly site. 

How can I sign up again to join in ShareAsale for my English Weebly website? By the way, I hope you can share with me some tips before I sign up for other affiliate members in Commission Junction, Ebay, etc. for my English Weebly website.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you so much.

Richard Pham.

Message 8 of 12

Dear Robin,

I was wondering if it was possible to place ads on the free site? Everytime I try to place ads and sign up for AdSense nothing happens even fo weeks. No ads. And no emails from AdSense. So I was wondering if I did something wrong on the Weebly side?

Message 12 of 12

Does your Adsense account get approved? Meaning, can you log into your Adsense account and verify there are no errors? 

Message 12 of 12

I never got any messages about my AdSense account from Google. So I do not know if it was accepted or not. I will reach out to Google about it. Thought it could have been a Weebly problem.

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Message 12 of 12

It's always possible and a good idea to check all avenues. We don't have any control over whether an account would be approved or rejected, but you would have a dashboard to log into if everything was approved successfully. Smiley Happy

Message 12 of 12

Hi there. That is an older program, but I'm not aware that it is still in use. I definitely suggest reaching out to ShareAsale directly for more information. 

Message 13 of 12