
Some links to "Standard Pages" not working

I helped create a site for a family member about a year ago. It is a site with about 20 different essays, each on its own page. The essay page are all hidden from the main navigation, and I then have an index page with links to the essays. The problem I am having is that at some point in the last year, links to certain pages stopped working.

This is what I know:

- the link is there and looks correct in the editor. When I click the linked text in the editor a contextual menu appears where I am able to, change, remove and view the linked page.

- when viewing the published index page, the link looks like a link (underlined and correct color) but it only links to an anchor tag (#). Viewing the html the url looks like this "<a href="#">"

- if I unhide a problem page (so that it appears in the top navigation) I can click on the link in the navigation and view the page without problems.

- as far as I can see, all of the essay pages have the same basic format, I can't see obvious difference betweens the ones that I can link to and the ones that I cannot.

- I have tried simplifying the name of a problem page so it is a single word, this did not help

- I have tried copying and renaming a problem page, this did not help

I think I may have just discovered the problem. I just tried to create a new page to do another test and got a pop-up saying only 10 pages are allowed on the free plan. I am now assuming this is the problem, but before I suggest that the site owner upgrades, I'd just like confirmation that this is the problem.

Thanks in advance. 

Message 1 of 2

Hey there! You'll likely want to get in touch with our live team directly via hc.weebly.com, as linking to existing pages shouldn't be broken by that as far as I'm aware.

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