
editor not saving and site not publishing

I am experiencing a problem with my editor ... any changes I make are not being saved if I exit the editor, and to make it even more exciting it won't let me publish either, just the eternal rotating circle of doom.

I have cleared cache, exited everything altogether, gone back in, tried multiple times always with the same result - no change.

I've used the online chat and was told they were "experiencing an issue with one of our servers" and it was rebooting so it will be back shortly.

I emailed support yesterday but with no response today, so another day goes by ...

Any ideas? Anyone else experiencing this? I've already lost a couple of hours work so I've learnt my lesson and test it periodically before getting carried away ... but I still have to get it done.

Message 1 of 3

That shouldn't be happening, @Nathan-AWD. It sounds a bit like something is preventing communications between your browser and our servers. I'm assuming that the same computer, browser, and internet connection also works fine outside of when you had trouble?

Message 2 of 3

Agreed, it shouldn't. 

As of just a few moments ago I have been able to make edits and publish so it looks like the problem is being or has been sorted.

But to fill you in ... yes evrything else requiring an internet connection was working fine - just Weebly not having it ...

Earlier this morning I tested with another PC, tested it with and without security turned on with patchy results - I still couldn't see a pattern ... some would save and others wouldn't. Example : I would remove one piece of text, exit the editor and go back in and that deletion had saved ... I put the text back in, exited the editor, went back in and that hadn't saved! It was all very confusing. Same exercise with and without security, sometimes it worked other times - nope! As I say, no pattern that I could see, so I gave up before I threw the computer out the window in frustration.

Now that I have come back to it (later in our morning), back on original PC, security turned on (as I always do), things have been saving as normal again and I have managed to publish ... fingers crossed it will last, but I still haven't had any reply from Weebly on my support ticket and no confirmation that all servers are back up and running 100%. Still a bit of a worry!

Cheers though @Adam

Regards, Nathan

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