
Logo Appearing on Mobile Navigation only from Home Page

Hi All,

Totally stupmed on this one! The logo is appearing on the mobile navigation menu only when you click on the hamburger icon from the home page. It is white on white and huge with only the first letter showing so righ now it's difficult to see. This is hapening only when you open the hamburger menu from the home page. The menu is correct if you click on it from any other page. Here's a link to the website: https://confidence-speaks-demo.weebly.com/. It is an edited birdseye theme. Code editing has been fairly nominal with changes to the logo, buttons, navigation bar width, and colors.

I'm not sure when this issue started but I'm guessing it has to do with my manually uploading the logo. I uploaded my own image manually into the coding to work around blurry, resizing, and fomatting issues that many other users have found with the Weebly logo uploader. I used this tutorial which was great: https://editortricks.weebly.com/how-to-fix-a-blurry-weebly-logo.html. I also used further intruction in the comments to adjust sizing on the mobile view which also worked great. Then I noticed the mobile navigation menu.

I don't think the logo needs to be on the hamburger menu at all so my main focus is getting it off. But if someone has a workaround that would make it smaller I coud potentially work with that and just go in and change all the colors for the hambuger menu so that the logo is not on a white background (so at least it would be fully visible and would't be white on white).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.



Message 1 of 2

Hi Avery. Thanks for posting. Weebly employees are not able to assist with custom code, but we do have a handful of users that jump in from time to time. That said, did you get this resolved? I checked on my phone and the logo is appearing on the home page without clicking on anything. 

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