
Facebook changes in Pages today is not accepting Weebly shares

Sorry if this is the wrong place, I did not know in which forum to put such a subject.

Facebook did some kind of changes in my Page today, that not only made all the recent posts disapear (the last one that appears there is from March), but also every trial to share new posts to Facebook results in a failure.

Someone else is feeling this?

Anyone knows how to overcome the problem?


Message 1 of 13

@HelioD wrote:

Sorry if this is the wrong place, I did not know in which forum to put such a subject.

Facebook did some kind of changes in my Page today, that not only made all the recent posts disapear (the last one that appears there is from March), but also every trial to share new posts to Facebook results in a failure.

Someone else is feeling this?

Anyone knows how to overcome the problem?


Hi @HelioD,

It's my first time that I write here.

I have the same problem too. Just now I tried to share on FB a post of my site/blog, with no results. It's from this afternoon that I've been trying to share it and each time the following message appears on the screen:

"We detected an unexpected error trying to perform Facebook sharing. Re-enable sharing to re-authorize your account." (As I read it in my language, I do not know if the translation matches with the English version.)

However, in my blog/site settings the link with my FB page is enable.

When I click on the FB bar to share again (near to "Share to FB"), it opens (as always) the screen in which it makes me select my profile or my page. I proceed as usual but it does not work.

Also ALL the posts shared on FB are gone and I'm sad (and angry) because I'm talking about almost 2 years of sharings.

If someone knows how to fix it, please help us. Thank you

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Thanks for your answer.

I haven't found a solution yet. If I hear of some solution I will contact you. Temporarilly I am using ZAPIER to post to Facebook from the RSS feed, but I prefer the way the Weebly posts appeared, so at the moment it works I will go back to them.

However, it seems there is no way to restore all the deleted posts. Everything that was posted to my Facebook page from Weebly was deleted except for ONE post. Just like Facebook decided that Weebly had no rights to post there...

Meanwhile no word from either Weebly  or Facebook.

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Just opened my page in Facebook and all my Weebly posts are back there. It seems that maybe they were still copying or converting the posts to the new page. 

Haven't tested yet if the sharing will work. Will report here at the moment I publish something.

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Just published and posted to Facebook, and I can confirm that everything is working again.


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Ranma here! Sorry for not having answer you before, but when I saw that the problem was solved I had to recover my work and then I totally forgot. I apologize.
In fact I saw that all my post were restored the day after my reply. Or maybe it was some days after, I don't remember but the sure thing it's that meanwhile I was freaking out! Smiley LOL .
Anyway now it seems all it works, on Weebly and on Facebook. But like you, I don't understand why it doesn't work in the first place. Well, it's not our problem anymore.
Thanks for the infos and the help.
Bye Smiley Happy

PS: Sorry for not reply you before, but I had problems to login in the help center and in the community.

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Yes, the same happened to me then, as I reported here.

However, in the last two days, everytime I publish something new I don't have the option to publish it to facebook. It says it is disabled and will be re-enabled soon. I am still waiting.


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You should see a message now that you need to re-authorize. To do that, click the option to enable Facebook sharing on the popup, then follow the steps to re-authorize.

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Hi @Adam and @HelioD,

I don't well undestand if Helio and I have the same problem (and so, if you Adam have already solved the problem), so I will tell you mine and then we see. 

When I want to publish a post, I do as always: I click on "Publish" (or Post) and then it shows me the usual screen with the text field and the two "buttons" of Twitter and Facebook. The Twitter button is enable, but the Facebook one is not. 

When I click on it, a new browser page opens showing me this screen (after log in):


I chose share "on your page" and done. 
I was thinking that I have to do this just one time, instead I have to do it all the times. So I opened my settings on my site and in the "General" page the link to my Facebook page is gone!

Helio, do you have the same problem?

Thank you for your time and help.


Message 2 of 13

Hi @Ranma4 Facebook recently made changes to the way posts are shared. At this time you will need to go through this process each time you share to Facebook. We disabled the FB connection from the settings page for this reason. Facebook's notice of this API change can be found here if you are interested:


Message 2 of 13

Hi @Bernadette,

thanks for the explanation (finally I know why disappear from the settings) and the answer.

So this issue will remain, ok no problem. It's a little boring doing it all the time, but we can do it Smiley Very Happy

Anyway I have a question/suggestion: when I share a post on Twitter, it appears just the message with the link, without the main pic of my post (that instead appears on Fb).

Can you take in consideration to increase this function with a pic preview? Maybe like when you share a video from Youtube. Perhaps @Adam could do/say something about this Smiley Happy

Thank again for the help.

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I think for an image to show up automatically you need to have a specific meta tag on the URL you are sharing. We don't add that and it would be difficult to do that with individual blog posts. It would probably simpler to share the post manually at Twitter and add the image with that.

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Hi @Adam,

thank you for the explanation and your time. 

Bye Smiley Happy

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