
Microtags for Facebook Product Catalog

I'm trying to see if there is any way to modify the metadata tags for the product page, I'm setting up a Facebook Pixel to dynamically add products to the Facebook Product Catalog in order to use Instagram product tagging. 

I know you guys do not have an integration, so I'm using the Pixel method.
Here is what you guys currently have on your product page: 
Which is a very short ways of having everything I need. I still need the ability to add the following microdata tags: 
og:title: The title of the item.
og:description: A description of the item
og:url: The complete URL for the product page.
og:image: A link to the image used on the product page.
product:brand: The brand name of the item.
product:availability: The current availability of the item. You can choose 'in stock', 'out of stock', 'preorder', 'available for order', or 'discontinued'.
product:condition: The current condition of the item. You can choose 'new', 'refurbished', or 'used'.
productSmiley Tonguerice:amount: The current price of the item. The current price of the item. Don't include symbols like “$” in the price.
productSmiley Tonguerice:currency: The currency for the price. The currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, USD).
product:retailer_item_id: The retailer's ID for the item.
If I'm able to add these microdata tags(which you already have some) I would be able to use the Instagram Product tagging feature. 
My only workaround is to manually upload products. I want to stay away from this. 
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I replied to your other post about this, @dufyd, but I'll reply here as well. You could probably add the extra tags to the long description area of a product with the Embed Code element. It's not proper form per se since they should go in the <head></head> area of the page code, but it might still work anyway.

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I thought about it, but I think it would just get wrapped within the "" per the code generated by Weebly. Anyway, I agree it's not proper and may cause more bad than good. 

Hope you guys get with the program, regardless of how you do it, making it this hard to sell on Instagram and Facebook using your platform is a big no no.... 

Other companies like Shopify will just blow you out of the water..scratch that....Earth... 

Smiley Happy cheers!

Message 2 of 4

Hi thee, did you have any luck with the microtags? I'm having the same problem trying to upload products automatically with Pixel. 

Many thanks  Smiley Happy

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