
website is not appearing in google search

hello all,

i meta tagged most of the tag words but my website won't appear on google search. am i doing something wrong here? 

thanks in advance,



Message 1 of 11


Since I am not a weebly employee I don't have to sugar coat the facts.  Let us be real.  There are a billion websites in world.  Google does index most of them and 'ranks' them.  Their ranking algorithm is one of the most closely kept secrets - just like coke's formula.

But some of the things they consider is the uniqueness of your business.  How many people visit you, does your business have a good quality backlinks, how old is your website, is it a paid website or a freebie subdomain of weebly, wix or jim do......  Google just does not randomly put any business that sprouts up - they want useful serious businesses to show up (with hosting so cheap any one can start a hobby business with few hundred bucks).  And lastly Google is not a charity.  The businesses that pay them (via buying ad words) would always rank higher.

Message 2 of 11

Hi @bert,

You don't need to pay for Google to list your site. Have you listed your website with Google? That is probably the most important step!

Try this:


Regards, Mark

Message 2 of 11

I copy & paste the universal tracking code in the settings - SEO - Header Code, it does not work; I also tried to paste it in the Footer Code column, it does not work. 

Is there any other way to solve this issue? 

Message 2 of 11

Was your site hosted somewhere else previously, @Viv

Message 2 of 11

Thanks for asking, 

Nope, I used weebly only, and it was previously visible & searchable on google. 

I do not know what happened it suddently disappeared (but I can enter the website if I typed the full website address, so it should be already online)

I verified the google search console today, but it is still not searchable. 😕 

Too bad, are there any steps I missed or did it wrong? 

Message 2 of 11

@Viv, I'm seeing a Google Analytics code in the header, and plain text in the footer. I would copy and paste what you have in the header into the footer, and then use the header code box as described here:


Message 2 of 11

Thanks for reply,
I did switched the text and code, and also followed the instruction video.

It is still not visible, I think it may take time.
Message 2 of 11

@Viv I am facing a similar problem as you. My weebly paid site was indexed and visible on google for just one day and for some strange reason, it is not ranking at all (invisible) for the last five days. The only thing I noticed was that my subscription lapsed five days ago as well. Can that do it? I just noticed and renewed my plan. Is yours visible now? How long did it take for you to get visible? What did you do? Can't wait to hear!

Message 2 of 11

  1. Go to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools,
  2. then click "add a property",
  3. you will then have a pop up come up (do not have popups blocked or it will not work)
  4. , then type in your ACTUAL home page URL address (not the one while you are in editor)
  5. Click ADD button
  6. You will be taken to a page that  has two tabs and says to cut and past a google message like: [google52248a9305f267ba.html] DONT DO IT THIS WAY
  7. Click on the tab that says: Alternate Methods.
  8. Then click on the circle that says:" HTML tags
  9. Now copy the meta tag that is there. (its a bit lengthy)
  10. Go to your weebly editor then on the HOME page go to the page, Click on the PAGES link above
  11. Click on your Home page on the left side in your list, as if you are going to edit the information there
  12. Now you should have a list that says "Landing page" "Visibility" and "SEO Settings"
  13. Click on SEO settings
  14. scroll all the way down to the bottom.....In the HEADER section (it should be blank) past in your metatag info
  15. Publish. 
  16. Then go back to the Google search console and click verify. 
  17. You are now going to be taken to your new Google dash board in which it will tell you info about your site. 

Viola now your set!!!

YOu may have errors that pop up now if you are using WEEBLY free because they have the crawlers blocked. Its their way to get you to pay for your site Smiley Happy

Make sure you do not have the box checked in "hide this page from search engines" that will help others find it 

Message 2 of 11

Hi, same here.

I keep the weebly subdomain, indexed the site via google search console.

But the backlinks are not indexed in google.


Message 11 of 11