
Custom add to cart button

OK so I have spoken with chat and searched and nothing, I want to be able to display mutliple quantities of my item and the customers can click an "add to cart" button without having to select the product then be taken to a product page where they then need to select the quantity, you can see my current sites shop page to see what I mean www.magnamounts.com/shop

Here the customers view different packages and can add a package to their cart without being taken to a product page first.

Please help, weebly support said they cannot help with this but it is possible, I dont understand.

thanks in advance

Message 1 of 14

I don't think it's possible to customize the product display on regular pages so you can choose a quantity there. EVen if you copied all of the HTML for the product and added that to an embed code element, it would probably not work. I could see how this would be really useful, though, so I'd recommend you post this as a feature request on our Vote on Features board.

Message 2 of 14

why is it so easily possible on wix? did you happen to take a look at my current website?

it was not very hard to do with them. I am curious as to why I cant do it here, very frustrating not being able to add a package to cart without having to go to a product page first

Message 3 of 14

If you made "package" products those could be added directly. You could make a separate category called "Packages" and add each of these there, each with pre-definied groups of products rolled into a single product.

Message 4 of 14

I dont think you are understanding me, if you like you can contact me at 909-912-2365 or contact@magnamounts.com


Message 5 of 14

I understand what you're asking in that you want to save your customers an additional step; if there was a quantity selector next to the add-to-cart button right on your main shop page, customers wouldn't need to click to view the product page then select a quantity and add it to the cart there.

My suggestions above are just meant as possible ways to help achieve something similar since we don't have that option right now. Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 14

Hi all,

Kind of crazy that this is still going on after all this time - @Adam how come you don't use the existing button facility / element and add a link option to add a specific product to the cart. The infastructure is there, surely it's just a matter of redirecting how the link works by adding an extra step of choose which item needs to be added directly to the cart...?

Other posts on this are right - by adding extra steps for customers to have to go to the product page will increase how many people will leave the website. Come on, let's create a decent, more fluid user experience...

Best regards

Message 7 of 14

I've found threads from 2 years ago requesting this function. I've got a meeting next week to discuss the cost of a full build by another company a i genuinely feel this lack of a feature will cause people to leave our site before it's even up and running properly 

Message 8 of 14

I'm sorry, @deaquire. I know it's frustrating when a feature you need is not available. I don't have any information for you regarding a time frame, but I can definitely relay your feedback. Just to clarify you want people to be able to add multiple items/quantity of a product to the cart without having to click on each product individually? Is this for a site currently in your account or a site you are planning on building? 

Message 9 of 14

That's not what they're wanting. What they, and me, are wanting is to be able to put a button or link with the option of adding a product/service/digital good to the cart immediately from wherever the product is displayed on the website. For example, say I have a website and the only thing I sell is one t-shirt and you come to my website and the home page is nothing but the t-shirt. I would like you to be able to click "buy" on the shirt and it add it to the cart or by clicking "buy" it takes me directly to checkout. The way your site is set up now is that the customer has to click buy or whatever the button is, then they are pushed to a product page describing the same product that they have already seen and know about (not to mention this product page is not editable and looks atrocious), and after they again select that they want to buy the product or it to the cart, THEN they are finally at the checkout. Forcing the customer to see the product page is  a waste of time and irritating especially from the business's side as we can't even edit the product page.

Message 15 of 14

Hi @DHoudy,

The function you are wanting exists. If you go to Store > Store Setup > General, then scroll down to the "General" section and click "edit" on the far right, You will see two options, "purchase mode", Add to cart (which is currently selected) and "buy now",

Change it from "add to cart" to "buy now" then save and republish. 

Message 15 of 14

@MTpockets - that's not what the original post is about. 

It's been years and Weebly are still no futher forward with this. You're charging a premium for an eCommerce facility that is relatively basic. For example, the product elements that can be dragged to the page are actually useless if you have product variations. There's no way of;

i) Selecting a Quantity

ii) Choosing a Product Option 

iii) Choosing a Modifier

Almost ALL products these days have options - for example, t-shirts come in different colours, styles and sizes. Your product pages are weakly designed - I'm sorry, but to not be able to customise the top section without dramatially altering CSS is disappointing. It seems that Weebly have stalled the development of the eCommerce platform since Square stepped in.

@Bernadette are we any further forward with this? It's been YEARS.

Message 15 of 14

Thanks for checking in on this, @DC2. I haven't heard anything new specifically about the Products element. A lot of what we've added since this was posted 2 years ago have been newer additions (things like pickup fulfillment, more product types, improvements to shipping and taxes, etc) rather than changes to Product or Categories element. I'll pass on your comments about the elements, though, since there's obviously still room to build those out more.

Message 15 of 14

Hi @Adam,

I'm actually starting to look for a new eCommerce facility for all of my clients on the Weebly for Web Designers platform, and may end up shutting it down altogether. The improvements / rollouts have been marginal for a long time now and the fact that we're constantly promised updates as to where you are with certain projects / what's coming next, we're never kept in the loop. That's not really fair if you're a designer, acting on behalf of clients. If Weebly want us to partner up and use their platform, they need to be a little more open with us - especially when we're not just setting up the odd website, but dozens.

That said, you (@Adam) have always been very quick to respond to any questions I've asked, even though I know you're a very small team on the Community side of things - so thank you for that at least. I kjnow you can only do what you can from your side of things, but I think it's time to move on (unless I'm given a reason to stay of course).

Message 15 of 14