
PayPal integration upgrade

Hi all,

I just recieved an email from Weebly about the new PayPal integration update. Great, I thought at first.

So, I went to do the update, and I found out that the new integration REQUIRES a business account with PayPal.

I have just a personal account. 

I am just a VERY casual seller with my weebly website. I'm talking about a few dollars a month, very very little. It's just a hobby for me. 

So, does this make sense for someone like me? Do you guys know anything about the business account with PayPal? Are there any hidden fees? On PayPal.com they suggest a business account for larger companies, and just a "premier" account for casual sellers like me ... but Weebly seems to be forcing me to upgrade to business. Not sure I like this ...

What's your experience with the business account?

thanks a lot


Message 1 of 17

It is my understanding (old info) that paypal business accounts are free as well.  However, they do take 3%+$0.29 for every transaction.

Message 2 of 17

Business account is free. But aren't you supposed to have at least merchant account to receive payments?

Anyway, you will loose nothing if you upgrade to business. 

Message 3 of 17

Hello Jo

Business Acc is not free.

I upgraded a few days back to enable paypal rather than creating the paypal button etc - as I am not that comp savvy.

Now have paypal but not the express checkout I wanted.

Raised the issue with Weebly - told that feature is not available and my customers have to fill in a totally unnecessary address form before being redirected to paypal where no doubt their address has already been filled out.

I posted a response to weebly and on the community saying if paypal has created the express checkout for this reason then why has it not been implemented on the weebly site?

Trying to make every customer's ease of website use and payment is surely key.

Will let you know what they say if anything.


Message 4 of 17

Thank you Ivan.

Yes please, let us know if you have a feedback from the Weebly team.

It would be nice for the Weebly team to chime in. It seems to me that things are not very clear.

In the email I received the Weebly team stated that:

"Your current PayPal connection works and you are still able to accept orders in your store, but the old version will no longer be supported and we highly recommend that you upgrade to the new version".

So, the old version "works". If it does, I don't need to upgrade, cause I don't need the new features (I only make very few sales, although my Weebly account is business).

But ... in the same email they said that "We know you may have experienced some issues with your current PayPal connection, this update fixes all of those"

So, does the old version work or not? So, what happens if I dont upgrade? Will I experience those "issues"?

Also, I'm still not sure what are the consequences of going from personal to business with PayPal. It's not just about the fees - e.g. what about privacy? Are there privacy changes going from personal to business?

I tried to look for information about that but ... no luck.

Sorry for the length. I'm obviously confused 🙂 I dont have a lot of experience with e-commerce or the Weebly - Paypal integration.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Message 5 of 17


The old version will no longer be supported.  In other words, if you have any issues, you are up the proverbial creek without a paddle.


What do you mean when you say the PP business account is not free?  Please explain.

Message 6 of 17

@WhiteCatMusic wrote:

But ... in the same email they said that "We know you may have experienced some issues with your current PayPal connection, this update fixes all of those"

Just to clarify that line a little more: not everyone who was using the older setup had issues, and many people were using PayPal without any trouble at all.  However, the circumstances which can lead to those issues still remain with the older setup, and the newer configuration doesn't have them.

Not upgrading doesn't mean you're going to immediately start having them. However, as @Heirloom_Angel said, we won't be able to help fix those issues if you do run into the with the older version.

If you have questions about business plans with PayPal, I'd recommend contacting them and asking.   

Message 7 of 17

I have a business PayPal and it's free.

Message 8 of 17

@Adam,  I updated my PayPal connection, but how do I see that my customers can use express checkout?

How it works? What is the difference? When I put my items in the cart I see nothing new.

Thank you!

Message 9 of 17

Are you checking out while logged into your PayPal account? Try using another browser to see how it would be for a customer.

Message 10 of 17

Has anyone completed the Paypal integration upgrade and had their orders from that point on come through with the paypal payment NOT having a shipping address or anything from Weebly about the product ordered?  I can't create shipping labels in paypal multi order shipping because since completing the upgrade (which was just to log into my paypal account and accept that weebly could perform certain things with my paypal account such as refunds) there is NO shipping address coming through on paypal with the orders!!!  This is very annoying and scary because not only can I not ship, Paypal will NOT COVER a seller under SELLER PROTECTION if there is NO SHIPPING ADDRESS on the order!!

Message 11 of 17

Hi Jdrcam,

If that is the case, that the new Paypal orders don't show the Shipping Addresss - then that's a real problem.  I always cross-check the Paypal address with Weebly Order address, to ensure the accuracy. 

I was going to upgrade to the business account, but then felt uncomfortable about the degree of details about my business, that Paypal was seeking information about.

Some time ago I spoke to a Paypal representative, and they said it was not necessary to have a business account to run a small business.   So what are the benefits?   And why is Weebly compelling this change, when, from Paypal's perspective, it's not necessary?

Look forward to your reply, thanks.

Message 12 of 17

Yes Lisa, This issue/bug with Weebly not getting the shipping address and product information transferred over to paypal at the time the customer pays is a big issue (see the attached screenshot of a test purchase in Paypal to see how it comes through).  

  1. You can't create the shipping labels in paypal shipping if you don't have the shipping address on there- you click on "create shipping label" and it says something like "can't create shipping label for products of  this type"  (see the attached photo of a screenshot  I took in paypal when I tried to create a shipping label on an order that came in from Weebly today without the shipping address (which they are ALL coming through that way).
  2.  You aren't covered under Paypal seller protection on orders that don't have a shipping address because they base their seller protection on whether or not you shipped to the shipping address on the order, and if it comes through without a shipping address, you can't be covered.

It is good that you cross reference- I do the same thing because sometimes a customer won't update their paypal account after they move, or they want it shipped to someone as a gift  and the shipping address on the Weebly order confirmation will be different than the shipping address on the paypal payment because they didn't update. But with this issue, that is the least of my worries right now.  It is just a big problem that is getting bigger with each order that comes in not having this information on the paypal payments.

imageunable to create shipping label for products of this type   

imageTest Purchase in Paypal showing No shipping address comes through

Message 13 of 17

Lisa- Also In regards to the Paypal business account- I highly recommend switching.  It is free to upgrade and the layout gives you access to so many more details regarding your account as well as reports and such.  I was very reluctant to change thinking it was going to cause me so much hassle and I am just not comfortable with change.  When I get in a comfy nook, I like to stay there and why not- right?  But, everytime I called Paypal, I had to get my husband on the phone to give them permission to talk to me because our account was in his name and that was a hassle because I was the one who  takes care of everything.  If I needed to call paypal while my husband was at work, I had to call on 3-way and get him to give permission to talk to me. They talked us in to the free upgrade for that reason, so I could be added to the account and also get another business debit card in my name too, which came in handy when I needed to purchase for the business.  After switching, other than the better access to certain aspects of our paypal account, and not having to do the hassles I spoke about above, I couldn't tell any difference.

Message 14 of 17

It is pretty much the same as a personal.  I have both.  You only get charged a fee if the person paying you chooses it as a goods transaction and not friends and family.  That is when you get charged a fee.  I would say for the little you use it, your customer can pay friends and family.

Message 15 of 17

Hey guys,

thank you all for the answers and help, much appreciated.


Message 16 of 17

What Weebly is not telling you is that your business must be registered or incorporated or PayPal can block your account and take all your money.  This happen to me over the last few days.  I like the rest were told to upgrade but never told the rules.  Do not upgrade unless your business is registered.  Do a Google search and just see how many lost thousands of dollars.

Message 17 of 17