
Audio this, Audio that...

Howdy. I'm Shiggi - I run AudioFy.me, my little production company that creates audio assets for business solopreneurs and entrepreneurial and corporate ventures who need podcasts, audiobooks, audiograms and any experimental audio assets discussed, explored and created. It's UK-based, but independent editors are from everywhere as are our clients. Square has been great in feeling out other options like looking into creating courses for folks who can't reasonably afford the services but would do well to being coached ❤️ 

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @ElShig, wishing you a warm welcome aboard the Seller Community! Delighted to have you among us. 


The Community is a great place to connect with other sellers, as well as share tips on managing a business, or simply just meet like-minded people.


My team and I will also be happy to answer any questions you have regarding Square products or features. 


Let me know if you need anything else!

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