
How do you attract new clients in the New Year?

Hello Everyone! My name is Ivey Ray, and I am an NYC based on set makeup artist and skincare health professional who pivoted my biz to the virtual space in 2020 when my jobs were cancelled and rescheduled. I have a budding online space in the last 2 years but I want to reach out to new folks and stop exhausting my existing network in the case they feel it's too much reach out. Let me know your tips! View my offerings here: www.iveyray.com. Thanks!

Message 1 of 7

Hi @iveyrayallday - welcome to the group! I love your website and portfolio - it really looks nice! I'm sure some of our community members will have tips for you on attracting more business. 😊

Elisabeth (she/they)
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Message 2 of 7
Beta Member

Hi @iveyrayallday . One thing that has worked for my business Https://www.bubblymoonnaturals.com is sending out newsletters that offer behind-the-scenes insights into my brand and also sharing tips in the newsletters. Also, collaborating with similar brands at live events (pop-ups, markets, etc.) can be helpful! All the best!

Message 3 of 7
Square Champion

I took a look at your website and your instagram. 



First if you aren't on TikTok- get there. There are many many makeup accounts - all different niches (NICHE DOWN)- brand reviews, makeup for mature skin, etc etc 

The best bet is to consume content on TikTok and see what you like. TikTok works when it is authentic to you 🙂 don't get discouraged- you need to post- a lot. But your customers are definitely on social media.


You need to understand the difference between TT and Instagram.


TT is similar to what you post in instagram stories- keep your TT's to around 7 seconds for them to perform well- but mix em up between short and long and see what works for you.


Instagram is beginning to serve reels in their feed as opposed to static photos- reels are similar to TT with trending sounds, etc but are really focused on pretty/glossy images whereas stories are more off the cuff/real

Co-Owner Amityville Apothecary
Instagram | TikTok @AmityvilleApothecary

Podcast: Apothecary After Dark (YouTube & Spotify)
Message 4 of 7

Again, my entire social network was taken, comprised, rewritten, changed to several different languages and so forth. For three **bleep** weeks. I just got square and booksy back yesterday. My bank accounts are all still froze. So I have no clue what they’ve done to anything. It’s gonna take me a while to keep going through little by little to fix everything that I’ve already done previous to this. 

Message 5 of 7

The way we attract new clients is buy going around and taking opinions on people and what they like to wear. So we gather up all the ideas and create new shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, and many more things. And show people how the design we made looks and if they don't like it we create it the way they want it.

Please go shop at Team Bryant Clothing Line: https://team-bryant-clothing-line.square.site/ 

Thank you!

Message 6 of 7
Square Champion

This might sound like a basic question, but also incredibly necessary. Who is your target market? 

At first visit to your website my initial thought is "Ooo! Beautiful!" However with further review I find myself wondering what exactly you offer. There's a disconnect between your "Check out my services" and the main toolbar. I genuinely don't know what you specialize in.


I agree with @DLRosenberg and NICHE DOWN and figure EXACTLY who you're talking to. That will then help you to narrow down what you say and who you say it to. For example, you're a "wellness witch" but then your packages speak to headshots for people to put on LinkedIn. It doesn't connect, ya know? 


Once you have the exact person you're talking to (literally...come up with a dream person you'd love to work with) you can pinpoint where you want to focus your outreach for new clients. 


I LOVE your virtual sessions angle! Expand on that! Who is needing those services? Women (and yes, men) that are on Zoom calls for work? Awesome! Where are they spending their time? Facebook? Do some Facebook ads! Word of mouth apps (Facebook, Yelp, Nextdoor, LinkedIn) are a great way for us to find new clients because it has an implied trust that makes people more secure in their decision. 


I hope this helps! 

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

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