Beta Member

Can you adjust the sound for online order notifications?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Online Order Notification not loud enough]


The online order notification chime cannot be adjusted loud enough by ipad or register for a noisy location.  The sound cannot be bluetooth enabled so you can adjust the sound yourself.  (Believe me - Try it, the chime sound cannot be enabled through a bluetooth speaker).


Several comments and requests have been made to have this feature accommodate larger store use.  What you offer now is only for a small, quiet area.  If it was possible to bluetooth enable the notification sound, the problem would be solved for everyone.


Thank you......

Message 1 of 24
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Can you adjust the sound for online order notifications?

Hello @cupajoes!



There was a a recent update to the Square Point of Sale application that now has notifications running via Push Notifications on iOS (previously notification were triggered by the app only) and should play louder if the volume of the device is louder as well. 


We recommend checking to make sure that your app is up-to-date. If everything looks good there, you'll want to reach out.


If you haven't already, your best bet is to get in touch with us directly, so that a member of our team can dig in with you. When you have a moment, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Beta Member

JJ_, the lack of sound (or so quiet you cannot hear it sound) for our kitchen square KDS system continues to be a problem. It is silly to expect a restaurant to have someone "standing and staring" at a screen to receive an order. Restaurants are busy places where success is determined in large part by one's ability to multi-task. This issue dates back about 2 years now. This cannot be a difficult fix and even if it is, so be it. It's a sincere design flaw that needs to be addressed. Thank you in advance for the consideration. 

Message 22 of 24

WHAT! No most kitchens do not have an expediter standing there. Holy man the mom and pops clientele your system is designed for is not hiring extra staff to stare at a printer.  Food costs vs inflation and lack of labor pool...I feel if you are off your rocker thinking anyone is just playing Johnny on the spot.  If there are no orders then that's clean down, or prep time.  Regardless How does someone on SQUARE REGISTER fix this. Not IPAD because we wanted the customer have an interface, for tipping. Please help!

Message 23 of 24
Beta Member

Arod, unfortunately the lack of a noticeable sound continues to be an issue with both the Square KDS system as well as the online order system. We have new Ipads (up to date on all software and sounds and notifications all turned on) and have tried every "trick" imaginable to get the sounds loud enough (for both systems) to be able to hear them in a noisy restaurant environment. Our solution for the online system has been to hook up a paper printer so the sound of the printing adds another opportunity for us to "hear" the order arrive. We still miss it (when there is a lot of noise such as running blenders), but we then also have a visual of a printed ticket hanging there. In our kitchen we are basically a slave to the KDS system. No matter what we are working on, we are constantly checking to see if a new ticket has come in. We would ditch the system entirely, but it is superior to paper tickets (there is a true labor cost in checking the system all of the time, but the paper tickets process costs more). If there was an alternate KDS system that had the features we needed, we would change. As you can see via the community threads, despite explaining to Square over and over and over again the importance of a sincere LOUD sound for both of these systems, they just don't seem to have a real interest in addressing the concerns. It is unfortunate because these sort of day to day distractions truly impact the running of a small business and spending time trying to convince your POS partner of that is time that could certainly be better spent. 

Message 24 of 24