Is the tax automatically deducted from my product?

I've been trying to make invoices and I've noticed that tax was automatically deducted. I'm wondering if this is just on paper. If not, where does it go?

1 返信

Hi @galatheya, thank you for posting in the Seller Community.


Yes, it's just on paper. It sounds like you set up a sales tax to be able to track how much you're collecting in sales tax from each sale. We do not keep these funds. We transfer the gross sales to your linked bank account, which includes taxes collected on sales if they were charged on a card. This excludes our transaction fee of course.

As a Square seller, you are responsible for paying the taxes, likely with the tax money you collected. We allow sellers to create a sales tax in the Dashboard for tracking purposes.
I hope this helps!

間宮 −Mamiya
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