Beta Member

Feature Request: Change payment type post transaction


one of the biggest annoyances is when a staff member (inc me) puts through a transaction using the wrong payment type. The biggest one for us is between "cash" and "other payment" but we've had confusion between cash and gift certs before.

Would it be possible to be able to change the payment type post processing. It would save having to refund the entire order and put it through again. Also, an option to trigger taking a card payment at a later stage might be useful. I can imagine a situation where a customer changes their mind from cash to card mid transaction but the staff member has already put it through as cash.

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Super Seller

I don't take cash, but my instant reaction to this raises a big red flag. 

I can see a lot of people not wanting their staff to be able to go in & change a transaction from cash to another form as it's a huge loss risk. 

A dodgy member of staff could put though a cash sale & customer gets a receipt for cash. Later they go though & change it to 'other' & take cash out the till. 

Pizza Is Chill

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Beta Member

Surely that would flag up in your end of day reconciliation. You'd be down on cash and up on another payment?

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