
How do you make an item available when it is restocked

Hi, I’ve just started using square for restaurants. The other day, we were low on an item, so put a count on it, it then didn’t restock the next day as it was supposed to. I couldn’t see how to make it available again. 

Any help would be much appreciated. 

Thanks a lot. 

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @WillDee, thank you for your post. This is a great question. 


Just out of curiosity - are you using the Auto-86ing feature for Square for Restaurants? With this feature, you can set up auto-refusal of service of menu items. If you are selling using Square Online, we recommend using inventory counts. When a sale occurs in your point of sale or Square Online, inventory will decrement. When inventory reaches zero for all of the item variations, then the item appears unavailable in the Restaurants app.


Note: If an item is only temporarily unavailable, you can select Make Available at End of Day. The item will be automatically re-enabled based on your business hours, or the next morning at 5:00 a.m if you have not set business hours.


Learn more about Marking an Item as Sold Out with Square, and 86 Items with Square for Restaurants


If this is not the feature that you are using, let me know, I'd be happy to take another look into why the items is appearing as sold out for you. 

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