
Live Q&A: Ask any questions about Square’s Subscription Management Software

Square’s subscription management software allows any business to easily create recurring revenue streams. If your business utilizes subscriptions, memberships, donations, or other forms of recurring payments, our product team wants to hear from you. Not using this service but interested in learning more? This is also the event for you. 


We're excited to welcome @jean_sq from the Subscriptions team for a Question & Answer session! Her team is eager to learn about how they can better address your business's recurring payment needs as well as answer any questions you may have. Learn more about Square Subscriptions before the event. 





Photo Credit: Ambitious Creative Co. - Rick Barrett on Unsplash.

When: Post your questions to this thread before Tuesday, September 27 and check back with us on Thursday, September 29, as she responds. 


A few example questions:

  • I'm just getting started with memberships for my business — what should I keep in mind as I get set up?
  • If I could do "_______" with memberships, that would make my customers' experience much better.
  • What are the latest subscription and membership features and how do I activate them?
  • What ways are available for me to interact with my members or subscribers?


Note: Although we can't share specific details on our product roadmaps, this information will be helpful as we continue to make improvements.


Click Reply below to post a question ahead of time, and we’ll address as many posts as we can on Thursday, September 29.👇


Gestora de la Comunidad de Vendedores / Seller Community Manager, Square
Message 1 of 14

When a subscription payment is registered through appointments, is there a way you can change the colour of the appointments prepaid so you know they are paid?

Message 2 of 14
Community Team

Hi @Pilatesinlakes! At this time Subscriptions is not integrated with Square Appointments. Feel free to elaborate on your questions if I missed the mark on my answer.

Message 3 of 14
Beta Member

Would also love to see appointments integrated with recurring/ sub invoices 

Message 4 of 14

Are there any added benefits for subscribers? i.e. subscribers only webpage with exclusive content and can I setup a page like this through Square?


Message 5 of 14
Community Team

Hi @OPTPFM! Could you elaborate a bit on your question? Are you wondering if your subscribers get access to an exclusive page from Square as part of their subscription? There is a limited buyer portal that subscribers can access that allows them to update their card on file, cancel subscription, or pause/resume (if the seller allowed that on the plan). What type of exclusive content are you looking to share?

Message 6 of 14

Subscriptions for services with integration with appointments would be amazing if you could please fast track that roadmap 😉

For customers receiving a service on a regular basis ie, 8 weekly, they could make weekly or fortnightly payments in advance so that on the day, they don't need to exchange any cash or go into debt.. 


I would love to hear any update you have on this please 🙂





Message 7 of 14
Community Team

Hi @Bellarena_HB , glad to hear you are excited about integrating Subscriptions with Appointments. It's on the 2023 roadmap but no specific timing yet.  Would your expectation be that this integration could keep track of how many services a subscriber has used in a given subscription period (eg. a subscriber comes in and you would know that they have already used 2 of their 3 facials for the week)? I'm curious of what types of features you'd like to see!

Message 8 of 14
Beta Member

We would love to see this asap please 🙏

Message 9 of 14

We’ve been looking at ways to develop a predominantly video/audio subscription.  What tools of engagement will be available in the square subscription member area? Will live call/video options be available as well as a library of resources?


Also how many member areas will be enabled to provide exclusive content for tiered memberships?  

Message 10 of 14
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for taking the time to share your questions with us, @AnnaKristina!

Looping in @jean_sq to see if they are able to shed any light on these topics at the moment.

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 11 of 14
Community Team

Hi @AnnaKristina , could you clarify what you mean by "subscription member area"? Our subscription/membership feature does not include any engagement tools, call/video options or library of resources. Those would be things you could build/provide and the our subscriptions/membership feature allows you to have recurring billing for those who wish to pay to access your tools. If I'm missing your question here, please feel free to provide more detail. Thanks!

Message 12 of 14
Beta Member

Sorry this is out of the timeframe but has there been any discussion about the ability to add multiple plans to a subscription? This would allow for addons and upselling in subscription payments.


Message 13 of 14
Beta Member

Hi, thank you for creating this Q & A thread. its exactly what ive been waiting for my apologies that its out of the time frame. Additionally to the above suggestions integration with sure appointments would transform how people use subscriptions in a service based business. To open, we would love to see an option to mark guest as paid by invoice on file (similar to the card on file option) secondly,for commission purposes and accurate reporting it would be great to assigning invoices/ subscription to team members. Thirdly, but equally as important it would be a game changer if subscribers have used all their visits for the billing cycle it would alert them upon booking. Request number four, It would be an awesome feature for guest if they could access their subscription online so they can upgrade, Pause or review how frequent they visit at any time ( similar to the hello fresh app) Lastly it would be awesome if when prices change in the line item/service that the subscription would automatically change all the corrisponding recurring invoices, rather than currently there is a need to manually one by one change the price of each subscriber/recurring invoice.  

These changes would enable our business to duplicate locations at a much faster rate as it would remove the clunky manual work required to link subscribers with appointments currently, truly be ahead of the curve for service based businesses.

Message 14 of 14