
Book Online but Pay in person

Hi all, i'm really struggling with how square works. I got it so i would be able to add links to 'book now' buttons on an already existing website (squarespace) but so confused on whether if someone books through that square link they will be paying there and then online or if its possible to just book their slot and pay in-person. 


please help.....

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Square Champion

Hi @thenesthealth 


We had some issues along these lines, we were using woocommerce and just had way too many issues. I think we would have figured it out eventually but just decided to switch all to Square and used Square Online for the website it saved a lot of headaches and gave us the chance to build a fresh new looking site. 

Coco Chemistry Ltd
Artisan Chocolatier
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oh no! ive spent so long doing the website the last 2 weeks and just at the final step adding booking links etc thats such a ballache! might have to spend a day figuring it all out ..... 😮💨

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Square Champion

Certainly worth giving sometime to see if you can get them working before diving in to a new platform. What I can say us the Square online is really intuitive to use, but check to see it has the functionality you need, as I found from experience there is always a little bit of function compromising, but found it to have pretty much all the functions we needed. Good luck!

Coco Chemistry Ltd
Artisan Chocolatier
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @thenesthealth! Wishing you a warm welcome aboard the Seller Community! It should definitely be possible to add a Book Now button for your existing site and then have your customer pay in person if you are using Square Appointments. Check out this article on our Support Centre which gives some useful instructions on how to achieve this. 


If you want your customers to only be able to pay in person, just make sure that you select Booking without No-Show Protection in your Appointment settings shown in the picture below. To do this:


  1. Go to your Square Dashboard > Customers > Appointments
  2. Click on Settings > Payments & Cancellations
  3. Select Booking without No-Show Protection
  4. Click Save.

Screenshot 2022-10-04 at 15.34.27.png


Hope this helps! 

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