
How do I know what price to charge for shipping locally or far away?

Please help me with adding shipping costs. Thank you. 

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Beta Member

@ItmaRGonzalez let's say you're shipping within the United States with USPS for example.... Consider if you're items can fit in a USPS flat rate boxes which USPS offers for free and can ship it to your home or play of business at no cost to you - here's the link: Click Here To View USPS Shipping Supplies

You can text out your products to see how many items can fit in each box and lets just say you can get 2 to 3 small items in a small flat rate box it can range up around $7.65 give or take so you can think about adjust your shipping rates depending on the quantity of items that you can fit in per USPS flat rate box and/or envelope. In your settings of your square websites dashboard has your shipping details you can think about putting between $5 to $8 (or whatever works for you) for quantity of 1 - 2 items and go up from there for each item added on so the more items that are being added means you have to use a large envelope or box so that more money out of pocket to you so it's best in my opinion to raise the shipping a few bucks when more items mainly if they're bulking are being added. The best part it has tracking information so you and the customer can keep track of the shipping status of the package so it would be great record keeping for you for future references if anything may occur such as lost or damaged package/goods. I hope this helps you out. 😊 Feel Free To Follow Me On Instagram: CLICK HERE TO VIEW PAGE ✌🏽🖤

Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @ItmaRGonzalez 👋 Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Seller Community! Happy to have you in the fold.


it looks like World Peace laid out some details, but you may also be interested in this helpful resource regarding setting up shipping costs. You can choose to enable flat rate options or real time rates.


Let us know if you have any clarifying questions! We are here to help. 

Community Moderator, Square
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