[New] Authorized representatives for Square Support

Hi Sellers, 🌟


Creating authorized representatives to call into Square Support on your behalf just got easier! Authorized representatives are team members who can reach out to Square Support on your behalf. 


We have made improvements to team member setup, allowing you to designate team members as authorized representatives and assign them permissions in one unified flow. Previously, these were separate flows. Authorized representatives can now be added in Business Security under Accounts & Settings or designated during the team member creation process on the Dashboard and at the Point of Sale.


You can choose to either select an existing team member to be an authorized representative or create a new team member. Authorized representatives will also receive invitations to join Square and will only be able to access what is assigned to them in their permissions. 


For more information, check out this support article:















1 Comment
Square Champion

@kathyz This was a much needed change.  When square first split the ability to change account banking information and allowed the full access set, it was so much easier to let people help manage the business without worrying about someone diverting funds or "messin in da money".


That said, I had one of those incidents where I am a full access team member and our business is a corporation.  Obviously, our account owner is the president.  I had to return a piece of hardware for an RMA and even as a beta team member and super seller, because I wasn't the "account owner" it put support in a bind, because technically they were not supposed to do it without the account owner "calling in".  I was easy to verify that I wasn't pulling no hooey balooey...but I can only imagine how a regular customer/manager trying to get a piece of critical hardware or answer to a question would encounter.


TL:DR This was a needed change to allow businesses to let the people who need to contact support do so more efficiently which means better service.  And, Better service = more sales for everyone involved = mo money!

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