
How has your industry changed in the last 20 years?

Hi Seller Community! Happy Wednesday


Today we're wondering....


How has your industry changed in the last 20 years?


Can't wait to read your replies! 

Message 1 of 38
Square Champion

I'm a bit short in the tooth to give a really balanced opinion, but I remember the start of the cupcake craze and all that went along with it and watched (and continue to watch) in horror as people convince themselves that they can construct 3 and 4-tiered cakes at home using drinking straws as support 👀🙃🙄😪


The main difference I've noted and continue to watch is the heavy reliance on convenience products (baking mixes) because then you can hire unskilled labour instead of skilled labour which is significantly cheaper.


There are those customers who are more tuned in to where their food comes from and consciousness of quality over quantity which makes me think that the food industry on a whole might be starting to turn away from the extreme of overly processed, unsustainable food practices which have plagued the industry over the last few years.

LenJo Bakes in Kitchener, ON
Let's connect on Instagram!
Message 22 of 38
Square Champion

Wow I guess I’m at that 20 years soon. One thing is the human body has not changed in this time. Haha. One that has is how we reach out to new and existing patients. Keep in contact, booking appointments and confirmation of appointments. With square I can say there are people I don’t talk to at all till they come in because of the automation square offers for me. Before using square I would spend an hour just getting people booked and confirmed including calls to confirm 24 hrs before appointment. These are just a few quick topics off the top of my head. 

Ryan Anton Schaffer RMT
Message 23 of 38
Square Champion

My industry wasn’t even around 20 years ago. Only really got started in the last 11 to 12 years but man has it changed. It’s been like the home computer industry when it was getting started. Constantly improving the products and the latest and greatest is only king of the hill for a couple of months tops. Little tricky to decide what and how much inventory to bring in because if you bet wrong then you’re stuck with a bunch of items that people no longer want because something new and better was released 

Steve Green
Mountain Vapors
Message 24 of 38

I'm in the retail business, specifically clothing and accessories, and it has changed a lot! these days online stores are so much more common then brick and mortar stores so I'm looking to grow my online presence. still learning the online marketing strategies, some work, some don't but just gotta keep trying! 

Message 25 of 38
Square Champion

Since I just bought the business in 2019, I am not sure of what all changed in the last 20 years but have learned about a lot changing in the industry around 2014 to 2016 because of people being allergic to an ingredient the perfume industry use to use to make their scents last longer and be stronger.  Our candles, you were able to remove the lid and they would start scenting a room without being lit.  Now I have 2 choices make a candle with a strong Cold scent (unlit) or have our candles have a strong far reaching Hot scent throw ( when the candle is lit).  We have elected the later and with some of the candles especially votives the cold scent is very faint, but when lit they scent very well.  It is hard to inform people of this and have them try a candle that has a week cold scent.  When they do try them, they end up being a long time customer.   I started telling the ladies if you remember the perfumes before 2014, you could put the perfume on in the morning and you were done, now it seems ladies put their perfume on every 2-3 hours because it looses its scent.  The ladies I have told this to, thought it was the perfume industry trying to get them to buy more perfume or cutting corners.  They also tell us just add more scent, but wax is only able to hold so much, before it shows wet spots or the oils add up and could make a bomb which is why some candles break the glass jars they are in. 

Plus because of the times now a lot of our sales were in store, now we have 1/3 through our online store.  We still need to be able to get more word out to people farther away to try our candles.  Now with prices spiraling out of control, people keep coming in and complaining about prices.  I just point out that if you go on Amazon for a HANDMADE candle like ours are, the average about $1 an oz, so we sell a 30oz jar, but claim 28oz of wax for $18.99 so we should be charging you $28 a candle using the pricing on Amazon.  Or your getting a $10 discount at our store.  Got  to put things into perspective for the uninformed.

Pocono Candle

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Message 26 of 38
Square Champion

My business falls within the beauty industry...so needless to say we’re always changing and evolving.  I want to say that one of the major changes are there are more stylist who have finally put down the pen and paper (paper booking) and opted for allowing clients to book online.  When I first started my nail career I’ve always been for it...let clients go on and see what’s available and book for themselves.   I’m not always at the salon, up when their up, and perhaps they do not have their schedules in hand when we’re done with their service.  But talking with stylist who have been in the industry for awhile...they were always a little hesitant to let clients have “so much access” to their books as they would explain it.  Whenever someone shows interest or have questions...I send them the link for them to try out Square Appointments...9 out 10 times they don’t ever look back 🙂

Message 27 of 38

The Construction industry has changed dramatically in the past 20 years,with the advancement of technology,machines have improved and safety measures has been created and improved  to save Contractors and also Laborors lives in the process.

Message 28 of 38

The industry that I have seen consistently change over the last 20 years, has been the Customer Service Industry.  

When I started working in '94, there was an etiquette to Customer Service.  As with anything in life, the industry started to change.

The service model was starting to fade with the introduction of the internet and being able to purchase items online and have them delivered to your home.  People were no longer lining up inside stores or malls, they were shopping online!  Soon Customer Service started to fall to the waist side and people who worked in retail were no longer being trained properly, nor did the stores care about providing the best service possible.  WHY?  The economy was yet again in a recession and this really affected the retail market.  Malls, Stores and other large retail chains started to crumble and file bankruptcy because they could not afford to stay in business.  I remember my neighbor losing her job at Mervyn's and my Mom losing her job at K-Mart, because of the recession. 


This was the first recession that I had experienced as a teen, then the second recession in 2008 is what took my job.  I worked in Banking and when the housing market crashed so did my job.  Now it's 2022 and we are just now turning the corner from a Covid recession!  To say that there has not been a change to any industry out there is a crock of bull.  As for Customer Service, well...


1. Now you can chat with a bot online to get a question answered

2. You can now bank online with no help from a Teller

3. Shopping online is easy to do at any time of the day (bonus: NO SALES PERSON IN YOUR FACE)

4. My business is strictly online and I don't need a brick and mortor to sell my goods

5. THE KARENS: They are so desperate for human interaction that they will go out into the world intentionally and pick a fight somewhere, just so they feel like they are still living a world of people and not bots. 

Open your senses with Herbal Tea - LMK
Message 29 of 38
Square Champion

@isabelle After very little change in 12 years. Covid-19 caused people to have learned to cook at home and discovered that it is more economical, healthier, and relaxing to cook with the family. And they are mostly still at it.


Life is too short to eat boring cheese.
Message 30 of 38

Why I can't reach customer service? They suspended my deposits and I don't know why!!

Message 31 of 38
Square Champion

With the rise in skin cancer education, spray tanning is seen some major growth. Not to mention, technology allows other prospective business owners to take a course online and see if it is for them before investing in equipment, larger trainings and increasing their overhead.

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 32 of 38

I have been fortunate to play around my grandmother and mother sewing machines. So the sound of the sewing machine has always been part of my life. My mom sewed dresses for my sibs and I. Now the sewing machines are so much quieter, smoother and computerized. Grandma had the Singer hand cranked and foot pedal, mom had singer manual electric no needle threader, now mine is computerized, needle threads and buttons to select stitch patterns. Still trying to stitch a dress, while my sis does bridal clothing. So for now I'll stick to the simple straight stitch stuff. 

Keesau S.
Keys Sewing
Message 33 of 38
Square Champion

Small regional distributors have been eaten up by the large boys and the large boys have raised the delivery minimum from 150.00 per order to 500-750 per order, they call it inflation it it is pure greed and price gouging. The good thing is that Square came along and dropped my merchant rate average from 8.5%  to 2.7%



Life is too short to eat boring cheese.
Message 34 of 38
Beta Member

With the introduction of social media and AI tools, the photography industry has changed quite a bit mainly with expectations.


Clients and customers understand that we do not live in a film era anymore and expect almost instant results (or as close to it as possible). With that being said, the photographer as a business, has to market using more digital platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and even Google in order to not only stay relevant but present locally and globally as well.

Message 35 of 38
Square Champion

Every spray tan was orange! LOL


Now, solutions are similar colors to how someone would naturally tan and filled with ingredients that would otherwise be considered skincare.

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 36 of 38
Square Champion

Lots more automation has been added in almost all aspects of Greenhouse industry, from seed, to plugs, to transplanters, watering equipment, and even robots that can move tables around full of plants.
Almost all the automation has actually made more jobs as now people and companies can do more with the same or less people allowing them to do other things that weren't an option before due to labor being tied up on tedious jobs that could be automated.

Message 37 of 38
Square Champion

It amazes me and baffling at the same time! The amount of people who will buy furniture over the phone or online! If I'm buying a new couch, a kitchen table I want to sit down on it! I want to know is it as hard as a rock or am I sinking to the floor? Nope, they will call and ask me "how does feel for you"?? I tell them semi firm but not hard as rock pretty comfy. Ok I'll take it! SMH, I tell them we have a firm policy NO RETURNS! If it is defective or issues with it they have a warranty with the the company that will replace or repair it type thing. We also sell very well taken care of used furniture and I'm very picky with those and that's why we did no returns. Come in sit down and kick your feet up and test it out. No knocking on ladies here but I would sell to guys allllllllll day long compared to one Karen and yes I get at least 1 of those special ladies every day. There I got to vent and address the changes! 

Message 38 of 38