
Buy 2 Get 1 Free- Multi

I see how to make an automatic discount, but how do I make it so it applies multiple times.


For example, our current promo is buy 2 Ice Cream Sandwiches, get 1 Free-- up to 5 free ice cream sandwiches. How do I make this discount so it applies a free sandwich to each 2 bought?


Message 1 of 20
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

HI, hopefully this Square Support page will help.  Scroll down to Create Quantity Discounts.




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Message 2 of 20

Best Answer

HI, hopefully this Square Support page will help.  Scroll down to Create Quantity Discounts.




Hope This Helps!
Message 2 of 20

I am having a similar problem. My buy 5 get 1 discount works great when someone purchases 6 items. It takes off the cheapest item like it is supposed to but when someone purchases 12 items, they are getting two free like they are supposed to but it takes off the cheapest and then a random item. It should take two of the cheapest, but it doesn't. Can this be fixed, if not by me then by tech support? This is a HUGE glitch!

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 3 of 20

I’m having the same issue, were you ever able to find a resolution to this?

Message 4 of 20

No, and I don't understand why this cannot be fixed sooner than later. This really puts a damper on me when I am busy. Square is great a doing updates but terrible at fixing small problems that should never be a problem in the first place. 

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 5 of 20
Square Champion

@hhgllc and @Sjsherm ;

I have the Multiple Discount setup for if you buy 12 candles you get one Free, and when someone buys 24 or 36, which happens during Christmas they get 2 or 3 free automatically.  


Here is how I have it setup:




Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 6 of 20

Are your candles the same price? I have 1000 hostas anywhere between 11.00 and 159.00. I have it set up correctly,  but the problem is I have a buy 5 get 1 free. It works great with 6 but but as soon as someone buys 11 or 20, etc it will not take the CHEAPEST 2 or 3 off. It takes off any random 3. 

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 7 of 20
Square Champion

@hhgllc ;

 Yes my candles are the same price and you did not say before that you were trying to get different priced items to be discounted.  Mine takes off the 13th item in alphabetical order, from what I have noticed.  So I have to look through my receipts just to make sure the free candle was taken off.   You may have to put in an Ideate thing for taking off the Lowest priced items as a free discount.  

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 8 of 20

In my original post I did mention that. What do you mean about ideate?

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 9 of 20
Square Champion

I saw that after reading through all the previous posts, was going off of your most recent post, about why this cannot be fixed quicker, and going off the original posters problem of multiple discount for LIKE items.


Ideate is a part of this forum where you can post for an IDEA you would like Square to offer or be made available in the future.  Not all Ideates will be made into a feature tho, depends on how many people (square users) want the same feature.


So if you go to : https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Ideate/ct-p/Ideate 

You can ask for the Ideate to apply Discounts to the Lowest Priced item in say a Category or of the listed items for your Discount.   


Just look down through the topics to see if there is one Topic of Discounts or if this would fall under another topic LIke Retail or POS   etc.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 10 of 20

Thank you so much! 

I attached some examples for someone else that aksed that I send screenshots too so hopefully something comes of it. 


Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 11 of 20
Square Community Moderator

Hi @hhgllc 👋 Violet here, stepping in for @JJ_ while he is out of the office. 


In this case, we wouldn't want to post this on the Ideate Board since we haven't confirmed whether or not this is expected behavior yet. We should only utilize the Ideate Board to request features that are not currently available through Square. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. cc: @Candlestore

Do you happen to know if a Support Ticket was created for our Engineers to examine this behavior when you previously contacted our Support Team? If not, that should be our next course of action so they can let us know whether or not the Discount is behaving correctly 🙂



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 12 of 20

I did post this on the Ideate board last year when I spoke to someone who did create a support ticket for me last year. I was told they would look it into but haven't heard anything since. Are you able to see if a ticket was created or not and maybe you can help me with that if it didn't happen. 

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 13 of 20
Square Community Moderator

@hhgllc It sounds like a Support Ticket may not have been filed in this case, if you didn't receive a follow-up. The Advocate would work with the Engineering Team to provide you with updates until the issue is resolved.

Unfortunately, I do not have visibility into the support cases or tickets. I recommend reaching out to the Support Team so they can look into this for you. If they find that a ticket has not been filed, they can get one started for you. If you haven't already, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 14 of 20
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @hhgllc and @Sjsherm 


Since this has been happening for quite a while and no solution has been found I suggest you grab a couple of examples when this has happened and reach out to our Support Team so they can look closer into this situation and escalate accordingly.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 15 of 20

I have several times and they say that this is something that needs to be looked at. It's been a year and I have not seen any improvement. 

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 16 of 20
Square Community Moderator

@hhgllc would you mind sharing some examples here? I would like to look closer into this behavior and why it hasn't been addressed. When you do so please share the discount rules and screenshots of transactions where the system discounted a more expensive item rather than the cheapest one. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 17 of 20

Screenshot (9).pngScreenshot (12).pngScreenshot (14).pngScreenshot (13).png

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 18 of 20

I included 4 screenshots. The first one is how I did my discount. 

The 2nd one shows you that it is correct when someone buys 6

The 3rd one shows you that it starts screwing up when put in more than 6. As you can see it does not take the cheapest one off. 

The 4th screenshot shows you that 2 are being taken off, which is correct, but not the cheapest 2. 

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 19 of 20

Finally got a response from square support. Needless to say, I am not pleased. The answer makes sense to me but the way that it was designed is completely useless I would think by most retailers if purchasing 12, 24, etc. See the reponse I was given. 

I appreciate your patience while our engineers dug into this. Per how the product is currently designed, it is behaving properly. With the discount rules, it breaks it down per set not as an overall total. 

For example, if you had 12 items in the transaction, it wouldn't break down the 2 lowest items in the overall 12 items. It'd break it down into 2 separate groupings of 6, and take the lowest from each of those groupings. So while it does seem like it's not taking the lowest priced items in the transaction, it is pulling from each set of the rule.

If this doesn't make sense or you need me to break it down further for you, I'd be glad to do so.

Nicole L Winchel Brayton
Message 20 of 20