
Customer charged twice.

What do we do when a customers bank account shows they were charged twice and we only show once?

Customer not at all happy.

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

@Farmstuff Unfortunately, if it is the same day, most of the time the charges are only pending and haven't settled yet.  Almost always, that night or the next day, one of the charges will fall off of their account.  This is just the banking system and nothing you can control.  Here is the script I use for these customers:


"I have double checked my point of sale and am showing only 1 sale for that amount.  The other is where the credit card network authorized the charge.  Please check your bank again tomorrow (or Monday if weekend) and watch for the charge to actually post to your account.  If it doesn't clear off, please call me and I will make sure we get the 2nd charge credited if it posts to your account.  I can't do anything right now until it posts to your account."


I have never had anyone ever come back needing this fixed.  This falls under the money comes out of your account asap but takes 2-3 days to go back in.  With banking apps and instant notifications, people sometimes overreact.  I had a customer last week who had parked in a garage and the charge was just a couple cents off his order total and his wife thought he had been charged twice and called...and she wasn't even in the store eating!


Hope this helps,



Multi-Unit Manager
Order Up Cafe/Tombras Cafe/Riverview Cafe/City County Cafe
Roddy Vending Company, Inc.

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Message 2 of 4

I've had this same thing happen too. Customer was charged twice, but the transaction was only showing on our transaction list once.


I think I found a solution though. The second charge was not showing up on the transaction list but when I went to the date under Transactions (on the Square desktop site) there was a notification message at the top with a link saying, "one or more transactions for this date are not displaying." When I clicked on the link it took me to a list that showed the second charge as pending, with an option to either cancel the charge or charge it. I clicked on cancel. Hopefully the customer will be refunded soon. I'm not sure how long it will take to get processed.


This was an Interac charge, so their bank account should be credited soon. 


Also, in this particular transaction, I am also the customer. I bought something from my own store. So it's easy to track and see if this works! As of writing I have not received the refund to my card; we'll check tomorrow (next business day) I would never have known about the second charge if I hadn't been the customer. I did ring in another customer just after my purchase, and I have asked her to check her bank records to see if she's been double charged.


This is NOT a pending charge either. The transaction occurred last week, and now the funds for one charge have been deposited into our bank but the customer's account is still showing it's been charged twice.


Message 3 of 4

Today the refund was processed to my debit card, so it took a couple days for it to show up, which imo is pretty unacceptable. I could understand for a credit card, but other merchants refund debit cards automatically. It's a good thing it wasn't a major purchase.


If you want to find the hidden transactions, you can go Report >  Transaction Status and any declined, pending, or unprocessed charges will be displayed there and you can decide what you wish to do with them.



Message 4 of 4