Beta Member

Discounts not appearing on register

I have composed and saved 8 discounts, but only 6 show up in the register.

Not sure why this is or waht to.

please help





Message 1 of 48
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

@jbc Welcome to the Seller Community! 🎉  I'm glad you came here to ask this question. 


@NLAUtah has brought up a great point. You want to make sure all of your discounts are enabled for your location. You can check this on your Square Dashboard. 


  1. Sign on to your Square Dashboard.
  2. Select Items on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Then choose discounts in the top right.
  4. Once you have selected your desired discount and you can see if it is enabled at your location. 

If this still doesn't fix the issue I would recomend signing out of your account and then back in. Sometimes this is required to apply changes made on the Square Dashboard. 


If you have any other questions please feel free to write back! ✏️

View Best Answer >

Message 3 of 48

We are having the same issue. Percentage discounts appear on all items. Cash discounts appear nowhere that we can find. We have several coupons appearing in local media and a remedy is vital. Please help! Thank you!

Message 22 of 48

There's a workaround that should do what you need. Be sure you've created the discount you need, then when the customer presents the coupoon go to the Item List, find the discount and add it to the sale. It helps to have all your Discounts named consistently so you can search for them by a keyword. All of ours have "Discount" in the name. An even easier solution is to add the Discount Category to one of your screens so you can just touch it to bring up the whole list. When you do it this way the discount applies to the entire sale not an individual item, but assuming your coupons are for fixed amount (like $5 off) that's OK because $5 off an item or $5 off a sale is still $5 off. You can also apply a variable $ or % discount using either of those methods, but again it applies to the whole sale so be careful of % off if you have items that won't be eligible for the discount.

Message 23 of 48

Dollar discounts aren't showing up for me as well. % discounts do but dollar discounts do not. I've tried everything mentioned in the articles but no luck. I wasn't able to figure out how to search for a discount however.

Message 24 of 48
Beta Member

We also need a variable % discount to be applied at the item level. Employees at times forget they cannot do this and then the discount gets applied to the entire order. Is this being worked on currently?




Message 25 of 48

Hey @dearness, welcome and thanks for taking the time to check in here. Sorry to hear about the trouble this is causing for your sales. We do not have any updates on this at this time, but I was hoping I could suggest a workaround: create a set number of fixed percentage discounts. This would allow your employees to apply them at the item level (e.g. increments at 5%, 10%, 15%). I realize that this may add a number of entries to your item library depending on the range of discounts you would need to offer, but I hope it helps in the meantime.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 26 of 48

I have several % discounts and only 2 show up at the individual level. This is important for our marketing and bookkeeping tracking. This is an easy fix because it never used to be this way....not sure why you changed it. Just change it back...it is costing you customers. Time to change to another company...

Message 27 of 48
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Pblast83


I checked in on this for you and it looks like all of your discounts are appearing correctly. They're able to be applied on the item level as well from the current sale screen. 


Were you still not seeing them? We might need to have our CS Team walk through this with you to figure out what's happening if they're still not appearing. 

Message 28 of 48

I was finally able to find a solution. Not sure why it changed from showing them to not showing them but hopefully it stays put this time. Thanks!

Message 29 of 48

the monetary discounts appear at the bottom of your item list.  you apply it like you would adding an item.  just figured it out

Message 30 of 48

This is not the best answer, when will this problem be fixed?

Message 31 of 48

Hi @sagganis! Can you let me know what you're looking for? There are a few different questions about discounts in this thread so with a bit more information I can point you in the right direction or share your feedback with our Discounts team! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 32 of 48

Hi Chad

Hope you are well. 


I have a similar question. 


I can see the discount on my square app on my phone but it does not reflect any discount on the webpage? 


How can I solve this.  


Thanks in advance 

Message 33 of 48
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Tropi,


Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to our community 😊 👋


At this time, discounts created for the point of sale, don't sync across to Square Online. This is a feature request we're currently tracking - we'll add your vote to it! 


You can create coupons with Square Online to offer customers discounts for online orders. Learn more about coupons here

Message 34 of 48
Beta Member

Well thats strange, because when I first started Square, I has the discounts appear in both places. Is this something they took off since I posted my question about this and now trying to make it happen again? It really didn't make any sense to take it off Square online and have it only on the pos. Especially when much of the background work is done on the computer I am sure. Curious.

Message 35 of 48
Square Community Moderator

Hi there @KinArtWraps - Alanah here, stepping in for Arie.

Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community 👋 Happy to provide you with some more information about Square Sync and Online Store.


Square discounts are different from the coupons in Square Online, so they won't sync. You can use the coupons in Square Online to offer incentives to customers who purchase through your website. Here, you can learn more about creating coupons for Square Online.


You may also want to refer to this article from our Support Center which lays out which features will sync from your Square Account to your Online Store and what will not sync.

I hope this information is helpful but please do let us know if you have any additional questions. Always happy to help! 😊

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 36 of 48
Beta Member

Sorry it does not help. My question was why it got turned off in the first place. I hope we are discussing the same thing here. In the recent past, every "discount" and every "quantity discount" I had on my "register" would also appear on my desktop (which i learned on your videos I might add). Now when I use square online to make an estimate, which you can not do from register, I can not add in any of my discounts any longer. Only two of them appear in any of my items, period. I cant even use quantity discounts anymore online. I am forced to use the app now, and there are too many which makes it inconvenient. I have to switch from POS, Appointments, and "invoice", just to make things happen, when I used to be able to do everything online. I have to use one of the to many apps of square. So now I cant make an estimate online or type up an invoice online anymore.

Basically, I had all my quantity discounts appear at the bottom of the screen, where I can toggle them on and off, when putting in an item. Now only two of them appear online. All of them do appear when I use the app. I just used to be able to it all online. and that was with in this year i posted a question about it when it git turned off one morning (just never was answered) There really needs to be one app that encompasses it all seamlessly. Even the register still has bugs in it when I try and use it for anything other than cheeking out, forcing me to bounce around different apps to make things happen. Gets a bit ridiculous if you ask me. But thats just one mans ordeal.

Message 37 of 48
Square Community Moderator

Hi there again, @KinArtWraps 👋 

Sorry for any confusion I may have caused. When talking about Square Sync, this refers to the components that will sync between your Square Account (on your Point of Sale or on your Square Dashboard) and your Square Online Store


The changes you make on the Discounts page of your Square Dashboard should sync onto your Square Register. Rest assured, this feature has not been removed. If you're experiencing an issue with some discounts, but not others, you may want to double-check the settings of those discounts in particular.


Here on the Seller Community, we aren't able to see into your account but you could reach out to our Support Team so they can take a look at your account and see if any edits need to be made to your discounts. They can also report any issues that cannot be resolved by troubleshooting to our Engineers for further investigation. 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 38 of 48

This is ridiculous, it's been two years and nothing has been figured out here?? I realize I can create a seperate discount for each different % but it's so clunky to try to explain to new employees. And then you have to explain to go into items for $ discounts... Why is this taking so long to figure out, it's not like a complicated new feature... 

Message 39 of 48

Screenshot_20191113-124726_Square Point of Sale.jpgScreenshot_20191113-124737_Square Point of Sale.jpgoops, looks like I skipped page 3 reading this thread...


I was able to find it on my tablet app, after many frustrating attempts.... Select Checkout, under the charge bar has a drop down menu 

Message 40 of 48
Beta Member

For me what worked is that I had a dollar amount and I switched to a percentage amount, and then it showed up. Hope that helps. I also played with shortening the name as well, not sure if that did anything, but changing to percent rather than amount fixed my issue.

Message 41 of 48

Read through this thread from 2017, and here I am in 2022 having the same issues. Fixed dollar amount discounts do not show up under the item when you punch it on the point of sale. You have to apply the fixed dollar amount to the entire sale, which is not mathematically incorrect but would rather have the discount under the item it was applied to for receipt purposes. Do we know if this has been resolved? Or talked about in a future release? 


Message 42 of 48