
How can I show additional parts for sale with an item? They are not modifiers or variations.

I have items for sale that have replacement parts. I want to show the few replacement parts with the item so customers can purchase at the same time or if they own the product and just want the replacement part, they know they are looking at the correct replacements for their tool. How can I accomplish this?

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @GAI-


Thanks for reaching out. Our Item Library only offers modifiers and categories. You can create modifiers as add-ons or special requests. When you add a modifier to your Item customers will be able to purchase the Item plus any replacement parts, all in one transaction. 


Hope this helps!

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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your response.  While I understand the ability to add modifiers, that isn't what works for my situation.  I am looking for the ability to show products associated with the main items but not necessarily to have them purchased at the same time.  For my product it would be similar to buying a new set of tires for your brand new car.  You clearly don't need them right away but when you are ready for new tires it would be great to go to your car on a website and see which tires came with it and which other tires are recommended by the manufacturer.  From there you could click on the tires you want and purchase but you didn't have to buy another car to get the tires. 

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator



Got it! The workaround that we can offer is creating Categories. With Categories you can create Items that can be arranged or grouped by the main products associated with the car part/Item. Take a look at this article on how you can do that: Categories. Hopefully this helps. Outside of these options, we don't have a feature that can do exactly what you are trying to accomplish. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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