
Is there a way to create invoice templates?

I want to send a variety of similar invoices to hundreds of people. Is there a way to create a few templates that I could use and modify slightly for each order? Or, if they don't have invoice templates yet, has anyone figured out a workaround? Thank you!

Message 1 of 5
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Is there a way to create invoice templates?

There is not a template option. However, you can copy any invoice then make changes to the new invoice. Then, repeat repeat repeat.


There is not a template option. However, you can copy any invoice then make changes to the new invoice. Then, repeat repeat repeat.

Message 2 of 5

The problem with this is, you have to enter a customer name. If you don't want to invoice a particular customer yet, but want to have the invoice ready to go, you are creating a fake billing situation. Not very clean for accounting purposes.

Message 3 of 5

I'm new to Square & I just found this awesome Q&A.  I've navigated through this & probably missed it.  I'm wanting to create a "template" due to the fact all my invoices will be pretty much the same.  The only way I saw to do that was to create a "recurring invoice".  I did that with me as the customer (since that is the only thing that will change) and I thought when the time comes to create the invoice-I can just change it to the client. (& that would pretty much be the only thing I would have to tweak)


Most of my clients are elderly (therefore don't have email), so I selected "manual" delivery & I would print off their invoices.


They also mostly pay in cash or check (NOT card pymts), & sometimes they pay a tip.  I think I got the tip thing figured out in the template & I don't even mind if I set it up to be emailed instead & I would just print it off my email.  But the thing I'm stumped on is I can't figure out a "cash" pymt.


I know if your plain Square app, I can put the pymt in as cash, but then none of the invoice info shows up.  It's just a pymt.


Can you help me with this pls (I have spent A LOT of time on this!-UGH!),





Message 4 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Traveling-Joe! Welcome and we're happy to have you.


I moved your post to one of the other existing threads where other sellers asked about invoice templates. 


@mremele answered this above with not having templates but being able to copy invoices and edit per customer as needed.


As for your other question with cash- invoices are typically meant for card payments but if a customer pays you with cash you can mark the invoice as paid by selecting the 3 dots in the lower right corner of the Invoices screen on the online Dashboard and selecting > Add Payment.


I hope this answers all your questions!

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 5 of 5