
Mail Chimp and Square Synchronization

Is there any way to synchronize Mail Chimp and Square Marketing?  I have a sign up form for my Mail Chimp on my website and Facebook but capure customer emails in store on square.  Is there any way to link my Mail Chimp account to my square.  I realize that I can manually put them in but I was looking to simplify.


Thanks in Advance.


Dragon Star Creations

Message 1 of 18
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

While we don't have a way to integrate MailChimp with Square Marketing, you can use Square's Contact Collection Tools instead of MailChimp's and those would store any collected contacts directly in your Square account.


If you're interested these are the steps:

1- This link has Square's email collection tools. You can use our Embedded Form on your website, or the Hosted Sign-up Page on Facebook, your website or any other social media channels.

2- By using Square's email collection tools, any contacts that you collect will be added to your Square account under the "Customers" tab in a group called "Collected Emails"


This article has more details on how this works


Now for your existing contacts (ones that you already collected using MailChimp), you can migrate those to your Square account by importing them directly to your Square Customers Directory. These are the instructions.


I hope that helps and let me know if you have any questions or feedback






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Message 3 of 18

Hi @DragonStar, thanks for pointing this out. Currently, there isn't a way to sync Mail Chimp with Square Marketing as you've described. For now, you would need to manually add emails or import customers to your Directory.


I'll be sharing your post with our Product Liaison team and point out how more options to sync with Directory would streamline your workflow.


Please keep in touch for updates and let us know if you have any other questions!

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 2 of 18

Best Answer

While we don't have a way to integrate MailChimp with Square Marketing, you can use Square's Contact Collection Tools instead of MailChimp's and those would store any collected contacts directly in your Square account.


If you're interested these are the steps:

1- This link has Square's email collection tools. You can use our Embedded Form on your website, or the Hosted Sign-up Page on Facebook, your website or any other social media channels.

2- By using Square's email collection tools, any contacts that you collect will be added to your Square account under the "Customers" tab in a group called "Collected Emails"


This article has more details on how this works


Now for your existing contacts (ones that you already collected using MailChimp), you can migrate those to your Square account by importing them directly to your Square Customers Directory. These are the instructions.


I hope that helps and let me know if you have any questions or feedback






Message 3 of 18

I'm interested in how to create the form for one location of the business.  Is this possible?  When I enable the form it is for the original location or maybe the entire business, I am not sure.  The owner added a new business as a location for simplicity but this doesn't seem to work with the forms.

Message 4 of 18

I have been using Square for a few companies for a long time now. I am using Mailchimp and really would like to see intergration. I dont want to use the system for collecting from Square, its not nearly as robust and I am not moving my list over. I also dont want to use Zapier as I already pay enough for the use of Square with fees, and I have found Zapier to be very unreliable as well as to pricy in the past.


Would love to see an update on this.

Message 5 of 18

Welcome to the seller community and thanks for checking in, @s2pdesign. Sorry for the frustration—I went to check for any updates on this, though there isn't anything that I can access and share out right now. Our Customer Engagement Team is continuing to track this request and we'll announce any developments that come through.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 6 of 18

I am interested in linking these services as well: I use Mail Chimp for my newsletters and such, but they offer a range of e-commerce activity as well.  I know, Square has a service as well, but: This list I have with Mail Chimp is already established and has a good ranking and yes, I can import the list, but I'm unsure what that would do to my spam rating. I'd love to have the option. Options are why I became an entrepreneur, afterall! 🙂

Message 7 of 18

You can create a zapier script that accomplishes this for you and syncs every 15 minutes. I've done it for our point of sale. 



Message 8 of 18

I tried, or started to, but had the same issue.  It doesn't differentiate between the two locations of the client's business.  😞

Message 9 of 18

@lbrashear You're right, the Hosted Sign up Page and Embedded Sign up Form are not associated with a specific location. I see how it would be useful to be able to customize these options and I'll share your request with the Marketing team!


At this time the Hosted Sign up Page will look like this:



If you click Customize you can make some minor changes such as change the color of the 'Join Now' button, and you can choose to include your business logo if you like. (If you have two separate business it might reduce confusion if you do not include the logo.)


The Embedded Sign up Form is similar but it also displays the master business name for your account at the top. If you need to make any changes this is the business name that you entered in Account & Settings under Personal Information


️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 10 of 18

Just checking in to see if there's any update on this.   We would love to be able to collect emails at the time of checkout to use with Mailchimp Marketing.   We realize customers would need to opt in, but it's a lot easier to get them to agree when checking out to join our mailing list (and get their receipt emailed) than to have to fill out another email sign up form.

Message 11 of 18

At this time, we don't have any news to share in relation to the ability to collect emails at the time of checkout on your Square Online Store using Mailchimp Marketing, @DestinationPSP. We'll be sure to update this thread if an integration is announced, so stay subscribed to be notified.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 12 of 18

Any news on a possible integration yet? Looks like a lot of us would love to be able to collect e-mails straight in mail chimp or other provider instead of in Square....


I am hoping the answer it a resounding YES!!! ... but I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, huh...? 😄

Message 13 of 18
Square Community Moderator

No news at the moment unfortunately, @AwakenedHearth. For now, using one of the third-party integrations shared in this thread would be the workaround. We don't find out about new integrations until you do, so I don't have a timeline to share of when, or if this integration will become available. You're in the right place though, we'll tag you here to let you know about any updates 🙂

Message 14 of 18

You can create a zapier script that accomplishes this for you and syncs every 15 minutes. I've done it for our point of sale. 



Message 15 of 18

Hi @Fluffernutter when you create this integration with Square through Zapier is it free? Or do you have to pay?


Thank you!



Message 16 of 18

You can use zzBots, a third-party app, to sync new Square customers over to Mailchimp as new subscribers.

You can learn more about this sync here: https://www.zzbots.com/community/how-to/sync-new-customers-from-square-to-mailchimp

Message 17 of 18

Hi Melanie,

check out a 3rd-party app skyvia. We use it to get rid of manual data updating. This is the page describing the integration you are looking for: https://skyvia.com/data-integration/integrate-mailchimp-square

Message 18 of 18