Beta Member

New Square Register: Inventory and Emailed Receipts

So, we just recieved our new Square Register hardware.  Must say that we LOVE the new equipment, and so do our customers!

However, a couple of items/questions.

1. We're VERY disappointed that since moving over to the new hardware, we've lost the ability to manage inventory levels (ie: stock recieved, etc), within the app/at the register.  That functionality recently appeared in the iOS version (ipad + square stand setup).  It saved us a TON of time. This feature allowed us to update inventory 'on the fly', as opposed to having to log in via the website to update inventory.  NO BUENO!


2. I may be missing something, or there is a setting that needs to be tweaked...but, with the new register/software, at the end of the transaction, the customer is presented with the receipt delivery option (Print, email, none).  If the customer is an existing customer, and we've added them to the sale, AND they have an email address on file...if they choose Email reciept, the are STILL asked to enter their email address on the customer display....WHAT THE??????  This 'issue', takes away fromt he awesome customer experience at the register. 



-Loyal Square Retailer

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@tbenson, first of all, thank you for buying Square Register! I'm glad you and your customers love it so far! 😊


1. I hear you on the inventory and will let the Register team know that this would be a helpful update for you (and others!)  Thank you for giving us the feedback - this helps us understand exactly what you need. 


2. You aren't missing something on this one - this is a bug the team is investigating. You're right that this takes away from the experience, and it's something the team is looking to fix.  When I have an update, I'll post back here. 


Thanks again for your post, @tbenson!

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