
Opening and Closing

Just sat up Square Register with stand, printer, and cash drawer for small golf course. I have all items and categories in place. So this morning I enter from the day before as I was still putting it together and also todays business. So I was trying to see actually how to open and close the cash drawer. Everything I saw and read on say hit reports. When I do, there is nothing showing me how to close out. Surely I am missing something. Also the view of Square that I had yesterday and this morning , totally changed and and has the dark vertical bar with selections on the left, the look is to completely different. I can still take cash, check, and cards just fine. I'm lost LOL 

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Super Seller

Ok I want to make sure I understand what you're asking. 

At the end of the day you want to count your cash drawer to make sure it matches what the report says you should have right?

To do that you'll need to do a $0.00 sale (hit charge twice) and open the drawer, then you can go to reports and keep that screen up while you count. Once you count, you'll hit end drawer and it'll ask you for the amount in the drawer. 

Then once you have it closed out, you enter the amount you're starting that drawer with. Hit start drawer.

My Girlfriend's Wardrobe est. 2012

Preston & jayne est. 2023

Downtown York Pa

Square user since 2012
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