
What has the pandemic taught you about running your business?

Hey Seller Community,


Hope you’re all doing well and keeping safe.


The last 18 months have been tough for businesses across the UK, with long and trying months of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions. 


In the interest of sharing tips and advice between businesses, today we’re asking the following question to sellers who are keen to share their own experiences:


If there’s anything the pandemic taught me about running my business and what’s needed to evolve in this new world, it’s ________. 


Fill in the blank - what has the pandemic taught you about running your business? What was needed for you to evolve to this 'new world'? 


We look forward to reading your replies ❤️

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Have a burning question to ask in our Question of the Week? Share it with us!
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Square Champion

Before & during the pandemic I’ve gone through massive growth & changes, so it’s hard to pin anything I’ve done specifically on that part of the situation. 


What’s most interesting for me is moving forwards now, after so many have pivoted their businesses & adapted to restrictions. 

With many companies encouraging folks back to the office & sometimes demanding they do will this force a change back to the old normal in peoples habits & routines? 

Many of those in hospitality who were furloughed went out & set up street food businesses as that was an area that was still trading. With this being the business I’m in it’ll be interesting to see if those new set ups make it passed Christmas or will end up just being something people did to pass the time. It’s hard work, so only those who have the drive (& skill to make good stuff!) can survive - this has meant that all the ‘regular’ traders I know have welcomed the new ones as if they’re good then that’s a good addition to the circuit & if they’re bad they’ll soon disappear.

Coming into autumn & winter will folks still be happy eating outside or grabbing a takeaway form a local independent or will some be tempted back to the chains & eat out? 

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Beta Member

It's taught me to be adaptable and prepared!   I set up my business because of the pandemic and during it using a bounceback loan, which I would never have got if the pandemic hadn't hit. And I've had to adapt with deliveries and selling online quicker than I planned. I've had to go back to work until things pick up but I'm still working on getting established as it all happened so quickly.


Be prepared. Plan like mad. Be adaptable for change that you don't expect. 

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