
Booking appointments with multiple hours

Hi all, I have been using square appointments for a few weeks now. I am a cleaner, and I charge an hourly rate. I can't seem to have it multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours. I have to put in a new service for each hour. This is getting quite tedious when I have to book a 6 hour appointment.


Please help!  thanks.


Message 1 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Hi HaloCleaningBM,


Thanks for writing into the Seller Community, we love seeing new faces here ๐Ÿ‘‹


Square appointments work based on the length of the service you've created. As a workaround, you can create variations on your service, to reflect the price and duration. Here's how:


1. Log in to your Square Dashboard. 

2. From the menu on the right, select Items > Services

3. Select one of your services, and click Add variation. 

4. Enter the price, and duration, as well as a variation name. 

5. Hit done to save your changes. 


Here's what this would look like on your booking site for a customer, with an example service I created on my test site:

I hope this helps, please let us know how you go! 

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