
I want to create items in a category so the customer can choose 7 items for $70. How do I do this?


 I want to sell 7 items for $70- but I want the customer to be able to choose their 7 items from a list and for the items they choose to come off the inventory so I know what stock is left and don’t over sell. I want it so they have to purchase 7 items and not only one for $10. How do I make this happen?

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Hey @Lovethatfood,


Thanks for getting in touch.


At the moment there isn't an automated way to do this, but you could achieve it by trying one of the following:


1) Adding the individual items and then applying a discount to bring the total cost of the transaction to $70.

2) Create the item as a variably price item (this is an option when adding a new or editing an existing item), so you can change the price to $10 if it's being ordered as part of the deal and also sell the item at it's normal price if bought outside the deal. 

3) Create two separate listings for the item - you could have one priced at $10 and the other at the regular price - this probably wouldn't be the best option for tracking though.


Hope this helps - let me know if you have any more questions!



Square, Australia
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