
Is there a way to control on the square online order when they always automatic accept the order?


Is there any option to control the accept or decline the order on the square online to the POS since they always automatic accept the order and sometimes it's overwhelming on the order and we would like to control that options so that when we have an order we will slowly accept the order or the options to extend the order time so we can control the services and prepare the food to the customers.

Message 1 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hey @basilmint,


Thank you for writing back into the seller community 😊


While Square Online doesn't have the option to accept or decline given orders, there's two options you can consider to make orders a bit more manageable during those busy times. 


Limit online orders - this options lets you limit how many orders can be picked up/ delivered in a 15-minute window, so you can adjust how many orders can be placed, and lessen the pressure on your kitchen. Get started here.


Turn off online orders  - you can completely turn off orders, to give your team a break from any orders coming in. You'd need to remember to turn orders back on, once you're ready to accept new orders coming in. Learn more here.


I hope this helps! 

Message 2 of 6

Hi Arie,

Thanks for answering the question which helps us to have some good information more about the square settings.

We would like to ask more on the timing from the section of "to prepare an order for pickup or delivery" there is an option to turn on or off for the "let customers schedule pickup & delivery times". What happen if we turn off that option and will we be able to set the time for preparing the food to the customer when it's ready for example like if there is not busy then 10m, if it's really busy then set the ready to pick up at 20-25m forward. 

Thanks for helping us! 

Message 3 of 6
Square Community Moderator

This is a great question, @basilmint!


When you turn off the option "let customers schedule pickup & delivery times" that would just mean that your customers wouldn't be able to select the time they're preferring to pick up, or deliver the order. The order prep time would still dictate the order time frame, and completion. 

Message 4 of 6

Hi Arie,

Thank you for the response for the order prep time, we would like to ask if there are any options that we can have a message to the customer if on a specific time and day there are some items that are not available to be bought. For example a meal name spicy chicken which we running out of the stock on that day and would like to make that item to be unavailable to order online only specific on that day and after that day has been passed, that item will be back to normal as able to be bought by the customer.

Thanks for helping us!

Message 5 of 6

@basilmint I think the solution here would be to mark the item as sold out when you don't want to sell it, then unmark as sold out when you do!


We launched this feature not long ago - check it out here. Would this solve the issue?


Square, Australia
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Message 6 of 6