
Feature Request: Add address field in hosted sign-up page

I would really appreciate the addition of an (optional?) address field for the Customers hosted sign-up page. This would make the checkout and invoice process much, much easier from third party sites like Facebook.  

Message 1 of 4

Hi @JennyP - Thanks for your feedback! Just so I know that I'm understanding you correctly, are you referring to the Receipts portion of checkout where customers choose where they want their receipt sent between text and email?


If so, you are able to Create a Customer at checkout which will store your customer's address and other contact information into your Customer Directory. You will be able to pull up their information as well as any Card on File they link to their profile for future transactions from there.


Please let me know if I misunderstood and I can look into this further to help get you on the right track. 🤙🏼

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 2 of 4

Thanks for taking the time to respond, Puka.


I'm actually referring to the "Hosted sign-up page" that can be found in my dashboard by going to Customers > Settings > Email Collection. The way my current checkout process works is a haphazard, dysfunctional mess that would really be simplified if I could send the customer a link to the hosted sign-up page instead. Then they could theoretically send me all the information I need for both the invoicing (email) and shipping (address) of my product in one easy step. Then the information would automatically be added to my customer database which saves both of us time later. PLEASE push the development team to add this field to the form - I think this would be useful for a lot of people in my situation. Thanks!

Message 3 of 4

Hey @JennyP, I see what you mean now. This is still a feature request, I will make sure to pass the feedback along to our Product Team. 


If you have any other suggestions we would love to hear them. 😀

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