
Feature Request: Return Policy Pop-ups

 I'd like to make a feature request as we come up on return season.  I'd love to be able to have a pop up or some other kind of warning (maybe requiring a specific user code / manager approval) for returns that are outside of our policy.  We've had several accidental refunds which should have been store credit, or which were outside of our allowed return window.  If there was a technology solution that popped up a warning "Are you sure you want to refund customer card?", or "Are you sure you want to issue a refund at 90 days?" it would help employees to realize that they are supposed to do something different.

Message 1 of 4
Super Seller Alumni

Hey @HomeOnTheRange

I love the idea of customized popups and reminders to follow the Return Policy! Really great idea and I hope Square adds that in the future.

In the meantime, if you use Employee Management you can set it so that only select People or Roles can perform Returns. If a non-authorized employee tries to do a Return, it will show the PIN code screen an only an Authorized Role will be able to jump in and put in their code and do it.


Here's the Support Document for Employee Permissions:



Hope this helps!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the response!  I looked at the employee permissions option, which would definitely add another set of eyes and reduce mistakes, but it would also slow down the process too much, and I don't want to take away employee judgment completely.  I just want a flag to pop up so that they know when they're bending the rules a bit - which sometimes is totally reasonable, and sometimes is not what was intended, the employee just missed something.  

Message 3 of 4
Super Seller Alumni

Fair enough!

Being able to customize the Refund Reasons and have some logic & popups attached to each of them would be a super cool feature!


Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 4 of 4