
Feature Request: Edit visibility of items in Online Store from Square Point of Sale app

Beta Member

Feature Request: Edit visibility of items in Online Store from Square Point of Sale app

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Automatically add new items as Visible to online store?


In the square sync settings, we can toggle if adding a new item will display as unavailable or not. But doing this only adds the item as Hidden. Is there a way to set up new items to automatically be added is Visible instead? 

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Automatically add new items as Visible to online store?

The expected behavior when toggling an Online Checkout link OFF, then ON again, is for the item Visibility to remain Hidden. The reason for this is to allow you the option of selling exclusive items or an item at a special price to customers with whom you share the Checkout Link with. This article about selling hidden items explains this in a bit more depth.


There isn't a way to change the visibility settings of an item in your Square Online Store through the Square Point of Sale app at this time. However, you can access your Square Online Store settings at any time by logging into your Square account on your mobile device using a Chrome web browser, and navigating to your Online Store editor.


I'd even recommend bookmarking your Dashboard on your device - this is currently the best way to edit your item visibility on the fly. I hope this helps, @rguzman!

Verified Answer

Re: Automatically add new items as Visible to online store?

Something sounds off here, @rguzman. If you have the Mark newly imported items as "Unavailable" online setting toggled off, any items added to the Item Library in your Square Dashboard should be automatically Visible on your Online Store. 


I just tested adding a new item through my Square Dashboard, and this seems to be working as expected - it appeared automatically as Visible. Here are a few things that will cause an item be appear as Unavailable when added through your Square Dashboard:

  • Adding an item without adding a price
  • You have not made the item available at the location synced to your Online Store

  • Adding an item with variable prices (multiple price points for one item)


These tips should be a good jumping off point! If you're still unsure, head over to this thread for more guidance, and reach out directly if things still don't seem to be working as they should.


Same issue here. It was easy for staff in the Square POS app to simply toggle the Available for Purchase Online to OFF when we ran out of a particular baked good, then goggle it ON when we received more. Now it changes it from "unavailable"  to "hidden". Is there an easy way via the Square POS app to change it back to "visible"? I don't want to give staff access to the online store via Square Dashboard to make a simple change to an item.

Beta Member

We have the same issue. We need to be able to go from unavailable to visible via Square POS app. I cannot give staff access to the dashboard at this time. 

Same issue here. My staff is too busy to mess around with going to a separate interface in the middle of service. Especially when it’s so busy that we have to 86 items. Please change this! We never use hidden items, but maybe others do. For us (and I have to think most restaurants) it’s a much higher priority to show things back in stock so we can sell them. What is happening now is ppl mark it available in the pos, but because of the behavior of it being auto-hidden, that stuff doesn’t show up on our online menu, until I have a chance to do a scan of the site. 

Beta Member

This is a problem for us, as well, and one of the reasons we can't sell individual doughnuts online.  (Which is sad, because we're a doughnut shop.). We have 20-30 varieties that we make from scratch every day. 

I REALLY need that toggle feature. [edit] I think I should have responded elsewhere.

Beta Member

Dear Square

Can you please make it possible for shop owners to toggle products on/  off based on availability? The way things are right now it's a nightmare.

Please and thanks.

Square Champion

Hey @chefsian 

That seems like it would be very useful.  If you could, I would post this request here, in the feature request section so that hopefully one day it will become implemented for you. 



Hi there, @chefsian - and thank you for your post 🧑‍🍳 


I've gone ahead and moved your feature request over to a board where others have requested the same thing!

Please let me know if this isn't what you're looking for, so we can move your pos


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community