
Square vs Shopify

Hello everyone!  I have a retail location where we use Square POS.  I also use Quickbooks.  Prior to growing, I used QB for bookkeeping AND inventory, but then as I grew and used Square more and more, the daily transactions added up and I had to manually adjust inventory in QB from the Square sales.  I checked into QB for POS, but it's not good.  So, in trying to work smarter and not harder, I wanted ONE system that does everything.  Unfortunately, QB is king of the bookkeeping, and I kept that for only bookkeeping; migrated all my inventory to Square, so now square is my other platform where I sell at markets, my B&M, and maintain inventory (albeit not the best for inventory UNLESS you move to Square Retail that allows for more details).  My next growth is this.  I have an Etsy shop where I sell well, but again, have to manually delete inventory on my Square.  All these are synced with QB (deposits, etc).  So my big question is:  I want to GROW and use my website that I currently have (I have WooCommerce, which I haven't used or activated yet, but paid for and migrated inventory into THAT) so I need to either (1) keep WooCommerce and my current website (2) go to SHOPIFY, which apparently has better ecommerce platform and website...but I already have a website, so I would have to change (3) Use Square online, which can work with WooCommerce, or as a standalone website.  I would prefer to keep my website if possible, and if I use Square online then my inventory is already on there and works with my POS at my shop.  Any suggestions?  Looked at several articles who put Square and Shopify Head to Head, and say both are good, but Shopify reigns king with online and Square is better with POS.  EDIT/ADDENDUM:  If using Square online website how do you "email".  Currently my business email is attached to my current wordpress website (Host:  GoDaddy).  Can we get emails/transfer current email from this to Square Online?

Message 1 of 25
Beta Member

We have a Shopify website and use Square for brick and mortar.  We use Shopventory and it links Square to Shopify. It basically holds all of the inventory and updates both Shopify and Square in real time as items sell.


Message 22 of 25

Oh!  Will check into this!  Thank you.

Message 23 of 25

Hi All - loved the discussion and wanted to drop a quick note. My name is Chris Sheridan and I work on the Square Online product. I read the original post and wanted to share some quick thoughts:

- Keep your existing WP/Woocommerce website
- Activate your Square Online website. You can link the Shop All page of your SO site to your main site. In other words, on your main site create a button called Order Online. Have that button route to your SO site
- The benefit here is threefold. You keep your existing site, your inventory is updated in real time between SO & your Square POS, and third you avoid rebuilding everything on a new platform/website

In regards to the email question ==> Square does not provide standalone email hosting services. We do resell Google Workspace which includes GMail as part of their collaboration tool suite. Otherwise, if you have an existing email address, you can keep using it.

Chris Sheridan
Message 24 of 25

One thing I discovered in my quest to explore other online platforms is that Square gift cards cannot be used as a form of payment on Shopify. This was a deal breaker for me, as we sell a lot of gift cards and I want my customers to be able to use them online as well as in store, so I opted to use Square Online.

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