
Adding color code for different fulfillment options on KDS

Adding color code for different fulfillment options on KDS

Hi Developer Team,


It will be great if you can add color codes to different fulfillment options so our staffs can easily recognise how to prepare the orders. For example, blue for eat-in, red for takeaway, etc. It will be super handy for busy kitchens.

Square Community Moderator

Thank you for sharing this suggestion, @HanoiPho


I can definitely see how assigning different colours to fulfilment options would make things easier in a busy kitchen. We'll use this thread to keep track of this feature request 🙂

Beta Member

Hi there,


This is a definite need!  


In a busy kitchen, the tabs on the KDS aren't overly clear - colour the tab the colour of the order so the kitchen team know just from the colour what they are working on.  


You can still have the top portion update the orange and red for time changes.

Is this an option now? Or does anyone know a way to make the different orders stand out? Thank you!

Beta Member

Colours have appeared on Android KDS screens over the last few days.  Pickup orders now highlighted blue!